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The HighTides

So the Hightides are in hibernation, the music to your ears is on pause, the beast of the east is asleep, the racecar is out of gas...

Is it true? Can this be? What shall we do???

Not to fear! The Hightides are not out for the count! The past few months have served as time for the band to develop, think, and write their best music yet, and they are eager to deliver it to your radio. Stay tuned to find out why...


Go mike!


Recently The Hightides were featured on Hot or Not. There was a great group photo that you can now only find here because the people at Hot or Not took us off cuz we were toppling the charts and making all the friggin ugly people look uglier. Oh well.


The Hightides have spent the past month-and-a-half in closed-door discussions with record executives discussing the details of what looked to be a two-album contract. Things went south when the band, allegedly, tore up the contract after an attorney told them where he thought they should go with their music. After hearing this, click to listen, the band told the attorney where they thought he should go.


Well the Battle of the Bands at Villanova rocked out! And if anyone asks (besides people affiliated with dellusional hardcore) tell them we won!!!!


WE HAVE A SHOW!!!!!!!!!! It's on November 17th at Villanova. That's all we know so far. We'll post the details when we get them. ROCK!


DUDE PAT CALVERT IS IN MY FRIGGIN DORM ROOM!!! He played me the next batch of songs for the upcoming LP! To say the least, THEY ROCK!!!! -chris


Great news for all our fans! Well mostly it's just great news for us- anyway- TUESDAY OCTOBER 23rd WMUC College Park Radio will be playing The HighTides between 10 AM and Noon! So give a listen HERE and click that netcast listen link! Props go out to our favorite skater-DJ-fan...Skater Pat!


So apparently, eventhough The HighTides aren't makin' any music right now, everyone is still talking about us!!!! Check out what appeared recently in The Diamondback, The University of Maryland's school paper. Oh yeah- and Mike got his Liscense last week! Congrats MIKE!!!!


If the sounds don't work let US know. We'll send them to you.


Well The HighTides have all gone back to school- Pat at Villanova, Chris at University of Maryland, and Dave at Rutgers. Oh yeah and mike will be a junior at Middletown High School South- yay mike!

But! The band departs with a gift for everyone! They finished recording Music to My Ears and Racecar. You can go check them out at our Sounds Page.

So great news for all the HighTides fans out there!

The band will be attempting to learn how to use (and use in a productive way) the recording powers of the modern 4-track! With any luck there may be something good coming from this endeavor- not just the usual headaches and blood-letting.

When asked to comment on the bands choice to record on a four-track, guitarist Mike said,
"Four-tracks! I thought they went out with disco?!?!"

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