kill yr tv's first comp, the Sound of Female, is now up for's how to get it!.
kill yr tv, yr first and foremost underground grrl resource, is pleased to announce that it has put out its first compilation (basically a promotional vehicle to help out some bands on the site), the Sound of Female-27 bands of all shapes and sizes!!! it will be distributed by the bands featured on it, by certain distros, and by kill yr tv's sara scalper (that's me)! so, here's yr chance to get a copy if ya want one. by the way, these are the bands on it:
1.all or nothing hc (ca hxc)- "your integrity"/2.angry amputees (ca punk with a fingerless bassist)-"pursuit of the truth"/3.bitchcat (nyc punk/metal)-"broken"/4.booty olympics (ny indie punk)-"anyone but you"/5.catfight (ga punk)-"weakness"/6.chelsea on fire (punk, opened for joan jett)-"short-sighted"/7.cookie (punk 'n' roll)-"mary's lamb"/8.detox darlings (nyc glam punk)-"pretty little junkie"/9.die cheerleader die (maryland riotgrrl)-"anorexic nation"/10.dollhouse salon (nyc punk)-"bloody woman"/11.double-barrelled slingshots (co punk)-"out for blood"/12.doxies (metro street punk)-"guiliani"/13.five days late (maryland riotgrrl)-"one 4 tha boyz"/14.the 440s (az country punk)-"two for the road"/15.graveyard school (nj punk)-"it's over"/16.high school hellcats (poppy punk)-"same old story"/17.kowalskis (ny punk)-"career barbie"/18.let's audio (techno-punk)-"peanut butter cookie boy"/19.lipkandy (indiegrrl)-"long way"/20.low-end models (german queercore)-"blut tut gut"/21.lucid nation (improvisational punk/blues)-"grounded"/22.manhunt (pa hxc/grindcore)-"gravity took you home"/23.meat joy (dc art-punk)-"it's not me, it's you"/24.midnight creeps (ma punk 'n' roll)-"brainwash"/25.riplets (german punk)-"she's rocking"/26.she-mob (indie punk)-"viagra"/27.triple creme (nyc riotgrrl)-"4 boys behind". if yr interested in purchasing a compilation, the cost is only $4 plus $2 covering s&h/packaging (unless you live near me, then you can just do a transaction hand to hand saving shipping costs. if you want one, please e-mail me back for the mailing address. if you have friends who are interested, tell them to get in touch. thanks for supporting kill yr tv (and me and the bands)!!!
sara scalper
2 helen dr.
brick, nj 08724
p.s....kill yr tv is putting out a new comp, "penis goes venus", in the near future. check back for more info!!!