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Jersey Roos
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Welcome to the Jersey Roos Home Page.

The Jersey Roos are part of the Bounders of America club.  We are a family oriented club with organized camping trips and meetings throughout the year.  To be a member of the Jersey Roos, you must own a Bounder motorhome and also be a member of the Bounders of America.  

*** Updated 1/26/2003 ***We will be having a meeting on 3/22/2003 
The 2003 schedule and member page have been updated

What is a Bounder?

B is for Big, referring to our storage spaces.
O is for Others, that share our style.
U is for Unique, which each Bounder is.
N is for Nice, like all those we meet in our travels.
D is for Deciding where to go next.
E is for Excitement we share together.
R is for Relaxing, and sharing good times.

Look through these pages and if you are interested we can send you more information.

This page was last updated on 01/26/03