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My Love Story (9467 bytes) (28268 bytes) (9446 bytes)


In your Life, It is not the young

Love that keeps your Heart strong,

It is the hard times, and hidden pit falls that

You Face on your way through your lasting Love.

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The Love that has your Heart stayed fast even tho,

sometimes you are unsure of how to feel.

It is the smile in the face of Pain that really,

Is the Love Your Heart knows will last.

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It's The Color of Promise I made many years before,

The Good times I recall, The sadness I had to face,

Gave me the Love I recall,

In the Man I have come to Love.

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The young Love I thought I lost,

Now Lives in the Faces of our Daughters.

It is the way my Love holds them close like the Treasures,

They are in our Hearts.

Author Lisa Angel


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