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Hello! This page, Has my Cat's That I call
my Babies. Each with there own sweet ways!

Aww This is our New Baby Sammy!!
He is so cute, Sammy has one green eye and one
blue eye.. He Loves to cuddle!! And what a sweetie

This is Poohy. How he get his name?
well all I can say is clear the House!!!!
Poohy is useing his box! giggle
Poohy is very shy as you can see... He will
not come out, when people are over. He is a
real sweetheart but Loves only his Family!
awwww Poohy these people can only see how cute
you are.

This is Tammy!! She is the oldest of
our cat's.. Tammy Loves everybody!!! She Loves
to sit with me here on the Computer and not let
me get a thing done *L

Yes our Tammy Loves her Picture Taken!
4/26/01 Tammy Passed away... She was full of life
till the very end.. We will miss her more then words
can say. Many Tears
Tammy Lynn: 7/4/83 - 4/26/01

Now this is Salem, And let me tell you
he is like a 2 year old *L!!!! He picks on everyone
And gets into everything!!! I call him MR a Lot giggle

Giggle now here is a Cat with a Real
Personality!!! Turk as we call him. Lets you
know he RULES!!!!
But Mom always has something to say about that

Yes Turk Loves the Camara a Real Macho
boy is he *L

This is Alley! We Loved her so very
much, We Lost Alley 12/18/99
Ally was as I called her Miss A, She was a
real Lady. Never would she eat from the Floor
like her sister and Brothers.
She Loved to meet you every morning, with a Great
big Meow! Sleep well my Sweet Miss A

I Like to Thank Sissy Witchy for these
Beautiful Gifts of Love!
Thank You sissy for being there with me, When
I was Heart Broken and so sad, About the Lost
of my Sweet Alley Girl, Thank You Fairy Witchy

Thank You Sissy DErin *HUG*

Thank You Fairy Country Kat

Thank You! So much Leo; of CoolCyberCats*HUGS*

I have a Favor to ask everyone...
If you use rat poison to destroy rats.. You do not
realize that the rat carries this poison before it
dies.. I lost one of my cats for that reason..
And using poison of any kind to kill unwanted
rats or mice is so cruel..
But that is this One Ladies peace of mind...

Click on this Little Angel Above to Visit
a Sweetie


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