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Kurt Cobain Was Murdered. Yahoo club about Kurt Cobain being murdered.
Kurt Cobain, 1967-1994. Great page with a lot of stuff.
A Tribute To Nirvana
One baby to another said... a nirvana page
Smiley's Nirvana Home Page
The Internet Nirvana Fan Club
Grungers Corner

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"You may not have cared for Kurt Cobain but we, his friends, fans and family will have to put up with the fact that a great, great man and genius is gone forever...Life is a sick game and he helped us express that. Many people say he was weak to kill himself, no, Kurt was our voice, he helped us more ways than he will ever know" -Helki Wald

"Lots of Musicians like Hendrix and Jim Morrison are still listened to even though they are dead. Just because someone is dead, that doesn't mean the music doesn't still live on." -I don't know who said that

The Internet Nirvana Banner Exchange
The Internet Nirvana Banner Exchange

feel free to take anything on my page that you want except the lyrics.

If you have any questions me.

ICQ #5791825

AOL Screen Name- Kurtc333