Various Pictures of Niniane

Merlin and Nimue by Sir Edward Burne-Jones
This picture shows Nimue (Niniane) carrying a book that's just a bit too large for her, staring back tenatively at Merlin, who is following her, as if she's afraid that he suspects what she's about to do to him. I really like the rich colors in this picture.

La Belle Dame Sans Merci by Frank Cadogan Cowper.
With the lake scene and dead knight, this is obviously a Lady of the Lake, don't you think? Again, I love the vivid, late Pre-Raphelite colors.

The Death of Arthur by James Archer
This shows Arthur about to be borne away to Avalon. I would really recomend looking at the enlarged version for varous details about the scene which depict the life of Arthur, including his ship, the Holy Grail, and I believe, off in the corner, Merlin and Niniane. One of the four ladies about him should also be Niniane (most likely the blonde without the crown as Niniane was not a queen) and one should also be his sister, Morgan le Fey. (Perhaps the one reading to him?)

La Belle Dame Sans Merci by John Dicksee
Another La Belle Dame, who Niniane is compared to. I know that it's not her, but it's a beautiful picture, no? And I've seen a Pre-Raphelite Niniane dress that is nearly identical to the La Belle Dame one in this picture.

The Beguiling of Merlin by Sir Edward Burne-Jones
I really like how evil both of them look in this picture, although it scares me a little, to tell the truth.

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