Which Villain are you?
Yeah, we all have villainous sides. What's yours? Take thisquiz in order to find out which of the many DragonLance villains you are.

1.  What’s the evilest thing you’ve ever done?
a)  Killed one of my childhood friends and the fatherof my child
b)  Nearly eradicated an entire people
c)  Failed, for purely selfish reasons, to stopthe world from being devastated
d)  Destroyed the universe as we know it
e)  Started the DL equivalent to the Nazi party
f)  I’m still working on it...
g)  Nearly took over the world for the epitome ofevil
h)  Showed my ugly face in civilization
i)  Broke my foster mother’s heart
j)  Put the world under martial law, erased theimportance of gods, killed large numbers of people, began systematic genocideof all non-humans...but it was OK.  I made a profit off of it.
k) Convinced normally good people to worship Satan.

2.  Do you consider yourself attractive?
a)  No one’s yet managed to resist my allures...
b)  Even the elves think that I’m hot
c)  Being charcoaled doesn’t help my appearance
d)  I’ve never seen looks as being all that important...
e)  I’m considered attractive, but the only womanwho sleeps with me does so reluctantly for the sake of her son
f)  Not only am I gorgeous, but I look great inblack
g)  I got to sleep with a goddess
h)  For my species, uh...maybe?
i)  Looks don’t matter when you’re a great warrior.
j)  No, but then, it's of no consequence to me.
k) My looks are used as my God sees fit.

3.  What would you like to do to the heroes of thelance?
a)  Sleep with most of them, kill a few
b)  Haunt their dreams
c)  Conspire against them, get one sacrificed tome
d)  Help them at first, use them later...and, uh...killthem all in one future
e)  Steal one of their sons and have my followerskill Tanis
f)  I uh...well...I help them, but only for purelyselfish reasons
g)  Try to convert them to evil
h)  Try to steal their things...
i)  Be related to most of them.
j)  They were before my time.  Luckily I livein an era unthreatened by over-zealous and foolish "good".
Convert them.

4.  What’s your most evil characteristic?
a)  I’ll sleep with anyone...heck, I’ll make themsleep with me.
b)  I take over people’s minds
c)  I lurk in a very spooky manner
d)  Overbearing ambition...in fact, I’d even killfamily members for it
e)  I do this whole evil group mentality thing realwell
f)  I wear black
g)  I hold daily status meetings with the dark queen
h)  I’d stab anyone in the back
i)  I do what I’m told without thinking of anythingelse
j)  I don't care what I do, provided that it givesprofits and power, and because I'm smart and logical, I'm harder to stopthan an average fantasy villian.
k) I make people want to believe in me.

5.  Where do you want to live?
a)  Where ever my feet happen to take me
b)  In an elven forest, strangely enough
c)  In a spooky, haunted castle
d)  In an evil tower of magic
e)  In a fortress
f)  In an evil tower of magic with lots of apprentices,my girlfriend, some furniture...
g)  In where ever the height of evil is
h)  In a city of theieves
i)  With my army of darkness
j)  Right where my family has lived for years. Onlynow, it's no longer a barren wasteland, it's the capital of the world.
k) With my armies, preparing my next triumph.

6.  How would you get people to join your cause?
a)  I’d sleep with them
b)  I’m more interested in killing people than gettingthem to join me.
c)  I’d sort of come with my lackeys included
d)  I don’t need other people
e)  I’d raise them from early childhood and brainwashthem from then on
f)  I have a cause?
g)  Large monetary sums
h)  I’d be given them by other people
i)  I wouldn’t actually be the leader of my cause...justa devout follower
j)  Offer them money, land, houses, and other materialrewards and, if I don't like them, make sure that most of them die.
k) Help them so that they believe in me and my cause so much that they would give their lives for it.

7.  How would you take care of rebellions?
a)  Sleep with the ringleaders
b)  Kill as many of them as I can
c)  A geas has been placed upon my followers, forcingthem to do as I demand
d)  I guilt trip them
e)  They’re too brainwashed to rebel
f)  My apprentices are *not* mocking me
g)  I decimate them (using the correct term, ofcourse)
h)  I run away
i)  I take responsibility for it and honorably die
j)  Make deals within the rebellion and with otherfactions. It doesn't matter with whom, just as long as the results arewhat I'm after.
k) Perform a miracle.

8.  How would you meet your demise?
a)  I’d killed by one of my followers...with thehelp of one of my lovers
b)  The people I’d be killing would get wise andstrike back
c)  I’d be sent to another dimension
d)  I’d optionally chose not to destroy the universe.
e)  My armies would finally be conquered in a heroicresistance
f)  I’d blow myself up...ooops
g)  My follower would plot against me and had anold lover kill me
h)  I’d be killed by my prey in a hunting accident
i)  I’d die nobly, saving the human race.
j)  Find religion a little too literally.
k) So far, invincible.

9.  What's your motto?
a)  The only reason to live is sex and violence
b)  I hate Silvanesti.
c)  If you can't be happy, don't let anyone elsebe.
d)  Knowledge and magic before all else.
e)  When evil works together, it can accomplisha lot.
f)  Knowledge and magic and self-gratification beforeall else.
g)  Evil!  Bwah hah hah...
h)  You can slime your way through anything.
i)  My honor is my life, except that I'm evil.
j)  The ends justify the means.
k) Though you think you love me, it is really the One God you worship.

9.  Did you sleep with Kitiara?
a)  I would if I could
b)  Sleep with a worm? I think not.
c)  I had her killed for that purpose.
d)  We’re related, but she did offer me the chanceto "conquer the world" with her
e)  She died a little early for that...but I tookone of her friends instead
f)  You bet I did!
g)  Who hasn’t?
h)  She was repulsed by me...but one time I didget her drunk...
i)  What are you saying about my mother?!!!
j)  She was in my parent's generation.  ButI've got her Second Generation version...
k) I find the question irrelevant.

If you got mostly As, you are the ruthless, ambitiousvillain, Kitiara.  As the older half sister to Raistlin and Caramon,you are known by fans more for your slutty ways than for actually holdinga large portion of the world under your control at one time. Figures.

If you got mainly Bs, you are Cyan Bloodbane, an evildragon who almost managed to destroy Silvanesti twice.  Lucky bastard.

If you’re a C sort of person, you’re the undead knightLord Soth. Followed by a retinue of undead servants, you failed to stopthe cataclysm and lusted after Kitiara until you killed her so that shecould join you in an eternal hell.

If you picked D mostly, you are the ambitious, ruthless,most powerful wizard ever (or something like that), Raistlin. Willing tokill your own brother, you’re a truly evil villain who is partially redeemedby your love of bunny rabbits.

If you picked mostly Es, you are the founder of the knightsof Takhisis, Ariakan.  As the son of Ariakas and the goddess Zeobim,you innovated a truly new idea for evil...what would happen if we all justgot along and worked together against good? This worked surprisingly welland you managed to conquer most of the world.

If you picked mainly Fs, you failed this test.  Althoughyou claim to be evil, it’s difficult to tell what you, Dalamar, have doneto deserve this title.  You did, however, manage to save the world(although no one can quite say how) a few times and help the good guyson numerous occasions.

If you picked a ton of Gs, you are Ariakas.  Thehead villain in Chronicles, you worked to bring Queen Takhisis back intothe world.  Spooky...and you almost did it.

If you picked mostly Hs, you are Toede, the foul, repulsivehobgoblin who became the head of the white armies. What were they thinking?

If you picked a lot of Is, you are Steel, the ridiculouslyhonorable knight of Takhisis.  His villainies seem composed mainlyof following evil orders, but we suppose that we can forgive him for that,seeing as he was brainwashed at the time.

If you picked mostly Js, you're a great villian. As the slimy head of the Knights of Neraka, your mentalist powers and awesomeleadership abilities make it difficult to destroy you, Morham Targonne. With the analytical mind of an accountant and the desire for humans toflourish, if we're lucky, you'll rid the world of all the pesky non-humanraces before the end of War of Souls.  Good luck in it. And watch out for prophets.

If you picked mostly Ks, you're Mina, the evil Joan of Arc of the DragonLance world. Intelligent, charismatic, and guided by the One God, you're virtually unstoppable. People love and worship you, despite that you tell them to save it for the One God. In a world deprived of magic, you can work full blown miracles from healing limbs to rising from the dead. Don't let ties with a do-gooder ruin your winning streak.

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