Slayers Notes
By Julia Nolan
For the Arthurian Legends fans who want to know who these weird characters are, or for Slayers fans with nothing better to do.

Eris: Eris is the very devoted follower of Rezo.  After his death, she kopiis (copies) him to create a new Rezo as well as creates a large number of other clones to do her bidding.   She wishes to destroy Zelgadis, Lina, and Gourry for killing her beloved Rezo-sama (beloved Lord Rezo) and intends to raise the demon Zanaffar to do so.  She manages to raise the demon, practically destroying the world in the meantime.  She is finally killed by kopii Rezo, her own creation.  She apparently knows Zelgadis from somewhere, and it is believed that she created his chimerical body for him.

Rezo: Rezo is the powerful red priest in Slayers. He travels the world, healing people, and gathering knowledge to cure his blindness. However, he finally strikes a deal with the main force of evil in the world in order to see again.  Unknown to him, however, this evil, Shabrinigdo, is reborn inside his body.  He manages to help Zelgadis, Gourry, and Lina destroy the monster before dying.  He is the grandfather and great-grandfather of Zelgadis.

Lina: Lina is the heroine of Slayers.  She travels with her small band of people, beating up bandits and taking their treasure which she uses to feed her enormous appetite.  She is a powerful sorceress and casts the Dragon Slave, periodically destroying entire towns with it, whenever she wants to.  She fireballs people for remarkably minor offenses, such as claiming that she’s flat chested.  Her most powerful spell is the Giga Slave, which she eventually puts away as it’s just too dangerous.  She has a fast temper, a huge appetite, and all that, but seems to be fairly nice provided one doesn’t get on her bad side.  ; )

Nagha:  Nagha is Lina’s self proclaimed arch-rival. She follows Lina around wearing only a tiny leather bikini.  Although a magician, her most powerful weapon seems to be her laugh which often causes property damage. She’s amazingly egotistical and periodically gets drunk on her quest to find treasure.

Sylphiel:  Sylphiel is the saccharine sweet white shrine maiden (miko) who the Slayers gang encounters. She is madly in love with Gourry, of all people, and calls him "Gourry-sama".

Gourry:  Gourry is the tall, blonde, and none too bright side kick of Lina. He "saves" her from bandits and decides that it is his chivalric duty to take care of the kid. When he finds out that she’s actually a powerful sorceress, he sticks around anyway, enduring her abuse.

Xellos:  Xellos is a part of the Slayers party…somewhat. He’s actually an extremely powerful demon (mazoku) who has his own orders and motives which sometimes go along with the group and sometimes do not.  He’s always annoyingly perky, however, despite his cold-blooded evilness.

Amelia:  Amelia is the fifteen year old girl who joins them to become Lina’s protégée.  She’s also the princess of Sailroon, and is fairly un-stuck-up about it.  She’s a "justice-freak" however, and is constantly going after people claiming that they are unjust and that she will punish them for this behavior, usually climbing onto the top of tall things in order to do it properly. (She will then jump off and fall on her head.)

Zelgadiss:  Zelgadis had the unfortunate luck to be turned into a chimera by his older male relative Rezo.  At first he helped Rezo to find the philosopher’s stone which Rezo needed to raise Shabrinigdo.  However, he then broke from Rezo, looking for the stone for himself in order to kill Rezo. After the death of Rezo, he stayed with the group, journeying with them in the hopes of finding a cure for his condition. He is typically the serious one of the party and the one who thinks up a logical solution to whatever problem they’re all in.

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