Which DragonLance Magician are you?

Answer the following questions to finally figure out which magician you are
most like in DragonLance!

1.  What is your alignment?

A.  I'd like to think "good", but of late it's been getting darker.
B.  Neutral.
C.  Of the "dark side".  I hate the word "evil".
D.  Evil.
E.  I think evil, but I haven't done anything particularly evil in a very
long time.  However, I am still resolutely evil, based on the principle of
the thing.
F.  Neutral, perhaps with a slight inclination towards evil.  Just anything
as I'm not one of those boring lawful good characters.
G.  Good, completely.
H.  Although I occasionally make mistakes, good.
I.  Good, I think. What were the other choices?  Oh yes, there are...let's
see...wait, I forgot.

2.  Who is your favorite author?
A.  Charles Dickens
B.  Terry Prachet or Douglas Adams
C.  Anne Rice
D.  Niechze  (sp?)
E.  Machievelli
F.  Ayn Rand
G.  J.R.R. Tolkien
H.  C.S. Lewis
I.  Oh...author?  What was that again?  Oh yes...Raold Dahl.  (sp?)

3.  How do you feel about your parents/children?

A.  My children are darling things...I see them when I have time.  Wait!
They've grown up?
B.  I adore my children, although sometimes I swear that they do things just
to make me angry.  But, young adults are like that.
C.  Who wants children, anyway?  If I had them, I'd send them off to
boarding school.
D.  My parents kind of ignored me and I ignored them.  Good enough.
E.  My parents just don't understand me, and never talk about me anymore.
They think that I'm evil.  Really.  In return, I never visit, even over the
F.  Although we argue on occasion, I love my parents and they adore me.   I
love my daddy.
G.  My parents aren't very happy about my career choice, but other than that
are the best parents that one could hope for.
H.  My parents and I get along well enough, I guess.
I.  My children? Oh yes...darling little ragamuffins.  So sweet. I keep
pictures of them in my wallet...see?  There's...oh, wait...I forget.

4.  Describe your sense of humor.

A. Nonexistent. Life is no laughing matter!
B, H.  Very good.  Life is so much easier if you laugh at things!
C.  Snide and hurtful.
D. Warped and twisted.
E. Decent, but I get angry easily and lose any humor that I had, as well as
don't really believe that mages ought to have a sense of humor.
F. Fairly good when I'm in a good mood.  It tends to become fairly snide
when I'm in bad moods, but I can always laugh at the dumb things that humans
G. Fairly normal, I guess.
I. Humor? Now where did I put that?  Oh...here it is!  It's rather pink and
fuzzy, I think.

5.  How do people describe you?  (Or so you think...)

A. Wise, powerful, patriarchal.
B. Distrustful towards those I don't know, caring towards those I do, and
relatively fair in my dealings.
C. Sensuous, seductive, wise
D. Misanthropic, but too powerful to ignore.
E. I like to think powerful, handsome, in control--but also temperamental, a
bit jumpy, and perhaps not completely mature yet...
F. Beautiful, mysterious, powerful, exotic--of course, they whisper all
sorts of things behind my back, but those things are ONLY MY BUSINESS!!!
G. Sweet, shy, kind, honest.
H. Robust, healthy, kind, genuine, basically good.
I. Oh, let's see...what do people think?  Ah, yes, well, I lose my hat a lot
and have quite a few good friends...what was his name again?

6.  How's your love life?
A.  Not bad.  Opposites attract.
B.  Not good, but I'm getting older.
C.  (with a purr) Marvelous.
D.  I'm celibate.  By choice. Really.  I can't waste my time with useless
things like that.
E. Good, obviously.  Marvelous.  Magnificent.  The girls love me and I love
them too.  (Black wool is an aphrodisiac.)
G.  I have a girlfriend and we intend to get married when we've both
finished high school.  What more is there than that?
H. Off and on.  I travel a lot, so nothings permanent.
I. Love life? Oh, yes, I think that I had one of those, once.  Where did I
lose it?  I think that I have it in my hat...

7.  How do you feel about laws?
A.  Whatever. Magic's the only thing worth worrying about.
B.  They provide a useful framework that keep things in order, but have
their disadvantages as well.
C.  Laws are only for those too weak to break them and too stupid to avoid
being caught.
D.  Screw laws. Someday, I will make them.
E.  Laws are very useful, particularly if you can work under them.
F.  Laws are vital, although I am not fond of tyrannical governments that
make business difficult.  All the same, laws ought to be followed, and if
you steal anything from me, I will press charges.
G.  Laws ought to be geared to help the most possible people in the best
possible way.
H. I have no need for laws and think that it would be better if people could
govern themselves.
I. Laws?  Oh yes...What were they again? I never can remember...

8.  What is your favorite spell?
A.  Meddle with Destiny
B.  Teleport
C.  Charm
D.  Death wave
E.  Amazing Aphrodesiac
F.  Kender-proof
G.  World Peace
H.  Control weather
I.  Fireball...how did that go again?

9.  What was the most important influence in your life?
A.  My teachers
B.  My friends and family
C.  My lovers
D.  No one...well, maybe my brother
E.  Myself
F.  My father
G.  My parents
H.  My boat
I.  My kender

10.  What do you fear the most?
A.  Marble, although I don't quite know why...
B.  Having nothing to do
C.  Other members of my order
D.  Unending, excruciating torment
E.  Raistlin
F.  Kender in my store
G.  The dark side of the force
H.  Really bad weather
I.  Fears?  Oh, yes...wait, I forgot again. Wait!  I

OK, now add up your letters to see what you have the most of...

If you picked:

A--You are Par-Salian, the one-time head of the Conclave.  A white robe, you
did not bother to consult the other members of the Conclave before giving
Raistlin tremendous powers. He went on to hate you with a passion.  You
eventually retired to spend more time with your lover, LaDonna.

B--You are Justarius, another one-time head of the Conclave.  A red robe,
you believe in balance and are one of the few magicians who actually seems
to have a sense of humor.  You are not particularly pleased when your
daughter, Jenna, takes an interest in your successor, Dalamar, and express
this to Caramon while trying to convince him to let his son, Palin, take the
sometimes lethal test.  You die when you try to take Storm's Keep.

C--You are LaDonna.  As a one-time head of the black-robes, you are also the
lover of Par-Salin.  Known to be beautiful with a sharp tongue and a husky
voice, you entranced many.

D--You are Raistlin.  Once a red robe, you later decided that there was more
power in evil.  You take power and decide that you will become a god, though
are at last turned back by your twin brother, Caramon, when he tells you how
the world will be destroyed if you continue.

E--You are Dalamar.  As one-time head of the Conclave and the apprentice to
Raistlin, one of the most powerful (if not the most powerful) wizards ever
to walk upon Krynn, you are a powerful wizard yourself. After Raistlin
decides to stay behind in the portal, you become the Lord of the Tower of
Palanthas which you brighten considerably by inviting students into it,
including your lover, Jenna.

F--You are Jenna.  As the daughter of Justarius, it probably felt
pre-ordained that you would go on to become a red robe yourself.  You were
later trained by Dalamar, who would become your lover.  When Chaos
threatened the world, you worked with Palin, Dalamar, and Usha to turn it
back and were sent as a representative of the red robes to find how to
destroy the minions of Chaos.

G--You are Palin.  As the son of Caramon and Tika, you were well loved and
always had playmates due to your four siblings.  You decided to follow in
your uncle Raistlin's footsteps and to become a mage, yourself.  When Chaos
threatened the world, you were the primary force in stopping it. You also
were one of the first to discover a new form of magic after the gods left

H--You are Dunbar.  The one-time head of the white robes, you are a sea-mage
who uses his abilities with magic to fight storms, keep ships in shape, etc.
You are robust, friendly, and act as a friend to Palin.

I--You are Fizban.  Although you are the avatar of the great god of good,
Paladine, you appear as a senile old man who loses his hat, befriends a
kender named Tasslehoff, and can't remember all of his spells or exactly
when to use them.

More DragonLance Crazy Quizzes!
Come, buy magical artifacts at the Three Moons
Visit another magician at the Ivory Tower
We're a Jenna/Dalamar/Raistlin cross and someone being Palin, but pretending to be Justarius.  Write us!