Dear Tanis,

Things are going well for me.  My health is well, my finances good, and my career is on the uprise.  I am hoping that you are well as well and that my younger brothers are becoming great heroes as I wished. If you see them, tell them to join me and I'll make sure that they achieve greatness, especially Raistlin.   Speaking of which, why haven't you joined me yet?

Things are going well in the dragon armies.  I am afraid that Ariakus has yet to take me seriously as I'm a woman, but after I disembowl one of the other commanders, I'm sure that he'll change his mind.  Some of my troops are still resisting and I am afraid that I'll have to decimate them.  Luckily, I am only paying them by the month, but training more is such a pain.  People never know how to torture well at first, and it takes hours of detailed instruction on my part to demonstrate how one applies a thumb screw.

But, let's forget all this shop talk. I can't wait to see you again. I imagine nightly being in your arms again.  When I see you, I'm going to *delete* your *delete* into oblivion.  You'll be so exhausted at the end of that night that you'll only be able to *delete* me for *delete* until the next evening.  I have so many ideas planned.  You could dress in *delete* and use the table to *delete* with *delete* *delete* *delete*.  I've even heard some wonderful things about draconians, and they've taught me a lot.

*delete**delete**delete* And then I'll *delete**delete**delete**delete**delete**delete**delete* with a
*delete**delete**delete**delete**delete* whipped cream *delete**delete**delete**delete**delete*
like a wild elephant *delete**delete**delete* with a feather duster *delete**delete**delete*
and we could play with the armor *delete**delete**delete**delete**delete* I've heard some interesting
things about scales *delete**delete**delete**delete**delete**delete**delete*  I've heard that you almost
have to get drunk to appriciate *delete**delete**delete**delete**delete**delete* and I'll lick it off your
*delete**delete**delete**delete* although I'm not sure that we coudln't substitute honey.
*delete**delete**delete* I'll make it so that ruining a pair of silk sheets was never so much fun, or would
you prefer bear skin?  It would compliment your *delete**delete**delete**delete* or maybe my *delete*
*delete**delete**delete**delete*  And then we'll have dinner after.

I can't wait for you to join me, beloved,



P.S. *delete**delete**delete**delete**delete**delete**delete**delete*

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