NPC Queen:  Goldmoon

Physical Appearance: As of Autumn Twilight, perfection. However, we're guessing that years of living outdoors will eventually take their toll and her tanned, blonde, Germanic beauty will be shortly changed to leathery skinned hag.  Oh well.

Health:  She lives an outdoor life filled with excitement and adventure.  And she lives to be a hundred.  She has no vices.  She's not going to die no matter what they do to her.  Not even old age works.  If only everyone had it so good.

Personality:  See title. She is the NPC Queen. She almost gets a personality, though, in Fallen Sun, ruining NPC jokes for us when she becomes wise, introspective, and whines a lot about not being allowed to follow Riverwind into death.

Intelligence:  Well, she plays a mean lyre...and she's the chosen of a goddess...but now that the gods are gone we're not sure what that says.

Finances: She's a princess, albeight a destitute barbarian princess.  Wait!  I remember writing this...hmmm...

Housework: Well, she's not used to indoor plumbing, central heating, floors, or other advantages of civilization, and she's a princess who was raised to believe she was a goddess...but I'm sure that she has the capability to eventually learn how to use such modern conveniences...eventually...

Motherhood:  She's got the whole earth mother thing going.  She might not be the best mother of an individual child, but she's the perfect mother for the collective child of us all. Now doesn't that make you feel good?

Sex:  Well...she's content with Riverwind, so she's probably satisfied by just about anything...unless that's why he's so quiet...

Chances:  She's a princess, and the founder of a religion, and oddly enough attached to Riverwind.

Outcome:  Well, we can't fathom her, but maybe you can.

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