What God Would you be?

Ever wondered what aspects your divinity would take?  Here’s a quiz that will tell you what DragonLance god you'd be if you got to be immortal there:

1.  Would you bad god, a good god, or a neutral sort?
a)  For good gods, go to two
b)  for bad gods, go to eight
c)  for neutral gods, go to fourteen
d)  for none of the above, go to twenty

2.  Do you think of yourself as a nurturing sort?
a)  If yes, go to three
b)  If not, go to five

3.  Do you like to be in charge of things?
a)  If yes, go to A at the bottom
b)  If not, go to four

4.  Did you want to be a doctor when you were growing up or did you prefer the idea of being some sort of performing artist?
a)  For doctor, go to B at the bottom
b)  For performing artist, go to C at the bottom

5.  Are you obsessed with weird things?
a)  If not, go to six
b)  If yes, go to seven

6.  Do you prefer animals or killing animals?
a)  If not killing’s you’re thing, go to D
b)  If you dream of rabbit carcasses, go to E

7.  Do your interests tend to be practical?
a)  If so, go to F
b)  If not, go to G

8.  Do you prefer being clever or just slicing through enemies?
a)  For the slice and dice method, go to nine
b)  For the more sinister approach, go to eleven

9.  Are you known for your bad temper?
a)  If yes, go to ten
b)  If not, go to H

10.  Are you more of a like, fire person, or water person?  (Totally)
a)  For water, go to I
b)  For fire, go to J

11.  Do you think of yourself as attractive or...uh...scarry?
a)  For scary, go to twelve
b)  For "I’m too sexy for my shirt" go to thirteen

12.  Would you prefer to trick someone or stay out of their way?
a)  For, "my other class is a thief", go to K
b)  For, "I’ve found that descreetion is the better part of valor", go to L

13.  Are you physical power, or are you a complete mind person?
a)  For, "I got only As in school" go to M
b)  For, "World domination will be mine" go to N

14.  Are you married (or would you like to be)?
a)  If yes, go to fifteen
b)  If not, go to eighteen

15.  Do you get into a lot of fights with your mate?
a)  If yes, go to sixteen.
b)  If not, go to seventeen.

16.  Do you have an artistic temperament?
a)  "It’s diagnosable", go to O
b)  If "I feel an overwhelming need to work, work, work", go to P

17.  Are you a plant or an animal person?
a)  For plants, go to Q
b)  For "I like the fuzzy ones best" go to R

18.  Do you tend to interact with your world?
a)  If you feel "what world?", S is your letter
b)  If you’re constantly interfering, go to nineteen

19.  Are you more likely to make a gray gem or wear one?
a)  If capturing Chaos is your thing, go to T
b)  If you like shiny objects, go to U

20. Go to V

A.  Congratulations, you are Paladine, great god of good.  Luckily you also have a very amusing avatar, Fizban.
B.  Hey, you’re Mishakal, the ultimate goddess of healing.  You don’t get much of a personality, but you are a very nice lady.
C.  Congrads, you’re Branchala, the god of music, worshipped by bards.  Don’t you feel lucky.
D.  You’re Habbakuk, God of fishing and marine life.  The knights of the Crown worship you.  Wowie
E.  You are Kiri-Jolith, Sword of Justice, the twin of Habbakuk and God of war.  Impressive name.
F.  You are Majere, Master of Mind, Industry, Organization, and Control. Incidentally you resemble absolutely none of the family named after you (You know, Raistlin, Caramon, Palin, etc.) with the possible exception of the never mentioned Gilon.
G.  You are Solinari, God of white magic and intellectual extraordinaire (if somewhat to the distress of the other gods bored by his trivia)
H.  You are Chemosh, lord of death and the undead.  Don’t you feel lucky?  (But I bet that there’s a zombie out there with your name on it.)
I.  Yep, you’re Zeobim, a goddess mainly known for stirring up problems at sea and being the mother of Ariakan.  Unfortunately, that does mean that you had to sleep with Ariakas.
J.  You’re Sargonnas, the consort of Takhisis.  You lucky dog you...or maybe not. She’s sort of scary, you know.  Minotarus worship you, and you’re known as the god of "dark vengeance" and "volcanoes", whatever that means.
K.  Hey, you’re Hiddukel, Prince of Lies, evil merchant god, and a very good person to know when you’re trying to convince someone that you have ocean front property in Nevada
L.  You’re Morgion, god (goddess?) of plagues, disease, and other cool things like that. You even get to appear as a rotting corpse.  How do you get any neater than that?
M.  You are Nuitari, god of evil magic and a pretty cool god to boot. He’s not only the most approachable of the evil gods, but he’s also weird and obsessive and works with the other magic gods.  (Yep, he gets to listen to Solinari ramble)
N.  You are Takhisis, the ultimate goddess of evil.  You are beautiful, you are powerful, you are evil, you are unrelenting...actually, you’re a little scary, but don’t let that stop you in whatever you want.
O.  You are Sirrion, god of fire, called "flowing flame". You’re an artisan who hates industry, which is ironic as you’re married to the goddess of industry. I’d love to see those battles.
P.  You are Shinare, goddess of industry.  Called "winged victory", you do not tolerate laziness, particularly in that #$%$# you married who’s constantly fussing about with his unproductive crafts.
Q.  You are Zivilyn, the "Tree of Life" and god of wisdom.  You’re married to Chislev, the beast.  You like giving wisdom, despite that no one wants to hear it, particularly when you ramble on about futures that might have been. Weird.
R.  You are Chislev, the beast.  You’re married to Zivilyn and are a "great druid"...not sure what that means, but you’re the divine one.
S.  You are Gilean, the great god of neutrality.  Neutral in all things, you keep the gods’ history for them.  Boring, yes, but you get to know everything.  Lunitari is your daughter.
T.  You are Reorx, God of the Forge, artisan god, craftsman extraordinare, and creator of the Gnomes, the Dwarves, and the Kender, along with other exciting things like the gray gem.
U.  You are Lunitari, daughter of Gilean, and goddess of neutral magic.  You like hanging out with Solinari (what a bore) and with Nuitari (sometimes, when he’s not being a dork) and tormenting mortals with your impish sense of humor that has won you the respect even among kender.  *gasp*
V.  You are Chaos, Father of All.  We dare not even ask.

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