Love Pairs in the DragonLance World
As a check and just because this is so darned fun, we're going to see what the magazine Cosmo has to say about some of the love matches in DL based on the signs we gave them. In case you're interested, the article is in the June/July 2000 issue. I don't think that we'd recommend it, but you can always check at the library just to make sure that we're not lying.

Kitiara/Sturm:  (Aries/Taurus):   You'll admire his solid sense of humor, despite his lack of imagination. But, he'll heat up the pages of your diary.  (Again, we're not sure how well this works.  We're not sure that Sturm has a sense of humor, but the lack of imagination is right on target.  On the other hand, I can only see him heating up her diary if she wrote in it "you wouldn't imagine how drunk you have to get a Solamnic knight in order to make him sleep with you.")

Kitiara/Tanis:  (Aries/Leo):  You've both got comparable egos and strong libidos which makes this match a hot one!  Don't let him get away.  (Doesn't this sound just like them, particularly after them making out in the Inn of the Last Home in front of *gasp* Kit's baby brothers?  Unfortunately for Kit, she *did* let him get away.)

Kitiara/Dalamar:  (Aries/Virgo):  Priggish Virgo will try to correct your wild and spirited ways. Leave him alone to pursue his own trivialities.  (Not sure that it works all that well, but then Kitiara trying to kill him could be considered wild and spirited, and I'm sure that Kit would considered Dalamar trivial after the first conversation of rose petals, better crushed or whole, broke out.)

Usha/Palin:  (Gemini/Virgo):  You're intense and he's practical. It would take the dedication of a saint for you two to reach true coupledom.  (Well, Usha does have that "artistic temperament", and a few of Palin's ideas do pan out. And, truly, at least in War of Souls, I think that it would take more than saintly patience for the two to stand each other, not that Usha's not trying to save the marriage.)

Laurana/Tanis:  (Cancer/Leo):  Love's a gamble with this guy. His desire to sweep you off your feet could balance out his faithless prowling.  (Oh, he's so sweet...but get him away from that slut!!!)

LaDonna/Par-Salian:  (Scorpio/Libra):  You're tempted to take advantage of his good natured advice and pay him back with to die for sex.  (We didn't want to know, LaDonna, we didn't want to know.)

Tika/Caramon:  (Sagittarus/Taurus):  He's sensual and shares your gift of humor but you'll balk at having to pry him out of that rut he's in.  (But you did it, didn't you Tika?  No more drinks for you, Caramon, or brothers.)

Jenna/Dalamar:  (Capricorn/Virgo):  He'll consider you his earth and the two of you will be an item from the get-go.  (Now if only they could get the town to stop talking.)

Crysania/Raistlin:  (Aquarius/Scorpio):  Your highs seem to balance out his lows, but unless he's tamed that jealous streak, expect rocky roads!  (We're not sure about the balance part, but the rocky roads sure is accurate.)

Goldmoon/Riverwind:  (Pieces/Pieces):  You listen to his weird dreams and he tunes into your psychodramas. You won't ever want to be apart.  (And they aren't ever, are they?)

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