Conclave Notes
    We found these notes on the floor after the Conclave described in Second Generation.  (I mean, if you had to sit through a meeting of not two, not three, but a whole group of wizards, wouldn't you be tempted to write notes too?)  We don't know who wrote them, but  we thought that they were amusing enough to be published.

Think they’d notice if I took another cookie?

Probably not.  Get me one while you’re at it.

But you’ve had six already.  Jenna’ll be annoyed if you eat too many. She likes to take food home when she shares.

She’s too busy necking Dalamar to notice.

Ugh...don’t you want to kill them?  I mean, evil sorcerer my ass.  If he calls her "darling" or "my love" one more time, I may just break the promise about fighting in the tower.

You realize you’d say something entirely different if he saw the note.

No I wouldn’t.  I mean, Justarius is the head, and I heard that he’s not even talking to Jenna anymore after the little "incident".  I mean, come one...favor with Dalmar or with Justarius?  Easy choice.

If Dalamar got to you, I doubt that Justarius would help you much.  It would be one of those "shoot first, ask questions later" situations.

Yeah, but I doubt it’ll happen.  They look fairly uh..."preoccupied" at the moment.  And they yelled at us for sleeping.

You know, if they got more sleep themselves, they wouldn’t be so uptight.

Exactly what I was thinking.  Of course, those two are probably staying up late every night. I wonder what Dalamar’s other students are thinking.  All I know is that I’m glad that I interned with Dunbar before this whole thing started.

I wonder what you would *learn* if you were Dalamar’s student.

Ask Jenna and see whether or not she snaps "none of your business" as if it was some sort of secret as to who the Head of the Black Robe’s favorite student is.

The fireworks between her and Justarius must have been absolutely spectacular.

Yes, but what did you expect?  From what I’ve heard, Jenna’s been looking for a way to be anyone other than "daddy’s little girl" from the time she was five and has finally found a way to do it and still be a magician.  Far better than her asking Ladonna for cookies, not that I’d eat anything a black robe made.

Just so you know, I think that she helped make the cookies.

It’s different with Conclave Cookies.

You sound like a bad ad slogan.

Tell that to Jenna. I’ve heard that she plans on "experimenting with business" once she’s moved out.

I know what she’s experimenting with.

Yeah, well, we all do.  They virtually demonstrate it whenever they’re allowed together.

*shudder*  Have you seen the new mage?

Yeah, I didn’t know that magicians were allowed to have shoulders that broad.  *drool*

No, the dweeby one.

Oh, whats his face?, uh, Paladin?  He might not be bad, given a few years.

*crinkle, piece of paper*

May I join in?  What were you talking about?

Uh, the new guy, Palin.  So is he as dweeby as he looks?

Why should I care?  Father’s been trying to match me up with him.  But that’s just because he hates Dalamar.  *rolls eyes*

So have you been out on a date with him or anything?

No, thank Lunitari.  His older brothers "protected" him from me.

How kind of them.  Did they know they were doing you a favor?

Who knows.  Got him away though.  I heard he’s having trouble finding an apprenticeship, though.

You didn’t have any trouble though, did you?

*long pause ensues*

So how about those Solamnic knights?

What about them?

Nothing.  I’m just trying to change the subject. Go with it.

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