Who would you marry?
Just so that you can figure out which marriage prospects you should be reading, we have this, our very own matching services for DragonLance fans. This one is strictly for girls, although we don't really care if you're a guy and *like* the idea that you might end up with Riverwind.  So, answer truthfully, or whatever, and determine which DragonLance guy would be right for you.

1.  How do you feel about children?
a)  Children?  *wrinkle nose*  Their parents are so idiotic about them, and I truly hope that I will never degenerate into such a mindless state.
b)  Kids!  I love kids!  They're great fun to play with.
c)  Little brats, keep them away from my stuff!
d)  Should be trained into proper soldiers to serve the Dark Queen's cause.
e)  They're cute...I'll probably have six or seven.
f)  Ahhhh...I love kids.  That's why you live, right?
g)  Should be trained into proper soldiers to serve mankind.
h)  Now where did I put them...did they take my hat?
i)  I'm a little busy to be having children now, but they're all right, I guess.
j)  I'll let them crawl all over me
k)  I'm suspicious about them
l)  I hate them...little buggers...but I just can't seem to resist them, all the same
m)  Good for eating.

2.  What do you expect in a mate?
a)  Beautiful, ambitious, interesting, will make me look good, shares my interests...
b)  Someone who interests me at the moment, but I'm not really looking.
c)  I don't want one. Really.  And if I do, she'd better be able to help me.
d)  An honorable young lady who knows her place.
e)  Someone bright and happy who my mother will approve of.
f)  A nice, pretty girl who'll love me and be a good mother for my children.
g)  Perfection.
h)  Mate, why yes, I think I did that once...
i)  I just can't decide.  One part of me wants the girl I grew up with, another an exciting slut.
j)  Someone from home
k)  I'm not sure. At times I want a beautiful elven maiden, at others a warrior queen
l)  Same species, opposite sex
m)  She'd have to look better than me...but that's not hard.

3.  Where would you spend your honeymoon?
a)  Somewhere where there'd be a lot of people I know.
b)  On the road.
c)  In the Abyss.
d)  In the temple of the Dark Queen.
e)  Niagara Falls
f)  In a nice bed and breakfast.
g)  Somewhere historical where we could enrich our minds as to what our duties to country, religion and tradition were.
h)  Honeymoon...on a moon?
i)  It would just depend on which one I married...
j)  Camping
k)  In my decayed, evil castle
l)  In some place dark and enclosed
m)  At another HighLord's place

4.  What would you do on your honeymoon?
a)  Make out obnoxiously in public
b)  Travel
c)  World domination
d)  Serve my mistress (and no, that's not you)
e)  Cuddle
f)  Make babies
g)  Create heirs to continue my legacy.
h)  Look for my hat
j)   Find the true gods
k)  Wail about our sorrows
l)   Make her beautiful jewelry
m)  Hunt kender

5.  What could you offer a mate?
a)  Fine china, furniture, undead servants, my wonderful self
b)  Adventure, excitement, and more!
c)  The world and lots of abuse.
d)  The honor of being married to me, plus I'll honorably defeat your pansy lawful good enemies.
e)  I'm cute, nonthreatening, and your mother will love me.
f)  Cute, great sex, and I'm great with kids.
g)  I'll treat you like a lady.
h)  You could have my hat...fireball!!!!
i)   I'm a good leader and interesting enough to attract two beautiful women.
j)  I'm a good listener.
k)  I have extraordinary power AND undead servants
l)  I'm a talented craftsman and one of your kind
m)  I *did* manage to become a Dragon Highlord.  (Stop laughing!)

6.  What will my family think of you?
a)  Young lady, you are NOT dating him.
b)  Isn't he a driftless loser? But he is sorta sweet...
c)  Oh GOD no...*begins fleeing in horror*
d)  Depending on your alignment either "wonderful darling" or *no*
e)  Oh!  Honey, he's so cute!
f)  A little slow, but such a sweetheart
g)  He seems like a very nice boy...but how do you stand him?
h)  Are you marrying him for his money? (what money?)
i)  He's a very nice young man, but he seems a little distracted...
j)  So what do you guys talk about?
k)  They'd prefer not to think about it
l)  Hasn't he been away from home too long?
m)  Honey, you can keep cute little animals, but you're not keeping *that*

7.  What would be my competition?
a)  A powerful, wealthy, beautiful sorceress or, earlier, a woman who's taken over most of the world
b)  Only my love of pretty things
c)  None.  I have no love interests.  I want no love interests.  Well, there was that one cleric...but that was only lust I tell you, lust!!!
d)  My love of valor, honor, and my dark goddess
e)  A flaky, yet very pretty thief with self esteem problems
f)  A sweet, beautiful girl from my home town
g)  An elven princess renown for her beauty even among the elves...
h)  My hat!
i)  A beautiful elven princess or a wild woman who controls most of the world (see a)
j)  A barbarian princess, albeit a destitute barbarian princess
k)  The second woman in both a and i
l)  This annoying creature that hangs around with me
m)  My ego

8.  Where will you two live?
a)  In an evil, cursed tower
b)  On the road
c)  The Abyss
d)  With my army
e)  In my academy or my parent's inn. It's got an extra room for us.
f)  We'll settle down in my old home town and I'll build us a nice house
g)  In my castle, once I've managed to retrieve it from whoever currently has it. Until then, my angel, I'm afraid that we'll live on the road...you can stand the wait, can't you?
h)  Live?  Live!  Yes, I do live. Don't you?
i)  I just keep moving away from anywhere I live for long. I don't feel comfortable much of anywhere.
j)  On the plains
k) In an evil, cursed, castle with banshees wailing about us at all hours of the night
l)  In a stone house...a nice, proper STONE HOUSE
m)  In a city of thieves and malcontents

9.  What would be your dream job?
a)  Exactly what I'm doing now
b)  Something that would let me travel a lot
c)  Dark God
d)  Head of the evil army
e)  A professor at a prestigious college
f)  A carpenter
g)  A knight in shining armor
h)  A space cadet
i)  Accepted
j)  A psychologist
k)  A knight in shining armor...*sigh*
l)  Craftsman
m)  Petty, well bribed, bureaucrat

10.  What's your best trait?
a)  Only one?  *whine*  Intelligence
b)  Wild luck
c)  Ambition
d)  Honor
e)  Kindness
f)  Determination
g)  Honor
h)  Interesting...
i)  Leadership abilities
j)  Stability
k)  I'm not easily scared
l)   Honesty
m)  I'm hard to kill

Read marriage prospects for details:

If you picked mostly As you would be most happily married to Dalamar, you poor thing.  Do you think that you can compare with Jenna?

If you picked mostly Bs, you'd be happiest with Tasslehoff.  We're not quite sure what to think. Really.

If you picked mostly Cs, you'd be happiest with Raistlin, but do you really think that you can succeed where Crysania failed?

If you chose mostly Ds, you'd love to marry Steel.  We're sorta scared.

If you have mostly Es, you'd be happily married to Palin. How cute. And we do think that you'd be better than Usha.

If you've got a lot of Fs, you could cuddle up with Caramon.  Good choice.

If G is your letter, you'd like to marry Sturm, which would be interesting, to say the least.

If H is your favorite choice, you'd be happily married to Fizban. We don't understand, but we're not here to judge.

If you picked mostly I, you'd be happily married to Tanis, provided that he chose you over Kitiara and Laurana.

If you had a lot of Js, you could be happily married to Riverwind. Tell us what it's like.

If you're a K sort of person, you'd be most happily married to Lord Soth. Spooky, yes, but we suppose that he was once normal once...maybe.

If you picked a lot of Ls, you'd like Flint.  Are you a dwarf, or do you just want to be one?

If you got mostly Ms, we pity you.  Toede is the best match for you, and that's just pathetic. Was someone else picking your letters for you?

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