Terrapin Troubles
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Young hands help make a diference for a threatened species

The Diamondback Terrapin population is being reduced by the negative impacts of human-environment interaction. In what ways might we, the Venture Cares Project students of the Somers Point School District, take individual action to help reduce the number of Diamondback Terrapin deaths caused by people?

We begin by asking questions. Explore the pages of this website in your quest to solve the terrapin troubles.

What are Diamondback Terrapins?
Why are Diamondback Terrapins endangered?
Who is helping the Diamondback Terrapins?
How is our school helping the Diamondback Terrapins?
Solve the quiz questions!
Play the Interactive Game

Help The Turtles Image by April K.

Student Action Plans:

Venture Cares News Articles
Venture Cares Project: Signs and Posters
Picture Prompts created by the 2006 4th Grade Venture students.
Teaching Primary Grade Students
Releasing Terrapins Venture egroup Id and password required.
Email Mrs R at jordanrd@yahoo.com for help.
Webquest created by 4th grade Venture students
Webquest created by 5th grade Venture students

Winner of the Global Schoolhouse Cyberfair Gold Award
Atlantic County ETTC First Place for Grades 6-8
Future Problem Solving International Competition: CmPS Junior Environmental Division 2005

Copyright Pending:
Mrs. Rydzewski

Terrapin icon by Elizabeth H.
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Jordan Road School