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Second Try

Disclaimer is on the Introduction page.

Italics denotes thoughts

I would like some response, please. I like to know if I’m wasting my time or not.

Love is complicated, isn’t it, or at least for Betty. She cares for Victor, but he is always gone. Scott doesn’t give up, and for some reason she feels drawn towards him.


Dear Betty,
I have to go back to Washington for a couple of days. Important business has come up. I hope Scott and you will have fun. We will have to try it again when I get back. Sorry about leaving so abruptly.

Betty read it again. She had a feeling that this was the way it was always going to be. Their relationship was going nowhere soon. She was getting tired of it, but she cared for Victor.

Then there was Scott. He was always there, and he cared for her. He doesn’t give up. At one time, I thought I was starting to care for him. Is worth it to give him another chance? He has changed a lot since he became an actor. O.k. Betty the next date he asks you on agree, and if he throws a pass don’t give some mean remark back, Betty thought to herself.

"BettyBettyBetty, I'd like to say I’m sorry about last night," said Scott, walking into the Writer’s Room.

"You already apologized last night, and I understand why you did it," said Betty.

"Thanks for understanding. It’s just that something came over me. Would you look at the time? How about getting some lunch with me?"

"I would love to." Betty stood up and let him take her arm.


"That was fun. How about trying it again tomorrow?" asked Scott.

"Sure," said Betty, smiling.

"O.k, then I'll see you tomorrow. I have a show to do."


The next day at lunch, Scott was contemplating about asking her out on a date. His luck may not hold for long. "Betty, I was wondering if you would like to go out tomorrow night?" asked Scott nervously.

"Yeah, sure."

"It’s a date then," said Scott.


Betty and Scott grew closer. They dated for a couple of months. Scott was trying his hardest to impress her. It was working on Mm...I mean Betty.


Betty was getting ready for their date tonight. For some reason, she had a feeling something big was going to happen. She was a little nervous with anticipation.

Scott was waiting downstairs as she came down. She sure looked beautiful. Scott was very nervous about tonight. "You look beautiful!!" Scott exclaimed.

"Thank you," said Betty, walking up to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Shall we go?"

"Lets. I have a taxi waiting outside," said Scott, taking her arm.

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