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Josie's Page




She had green eyes, that excellent seer,
And little peaks to either ear.
She sat there, and I sat here.
She spoke of Egypt, and white
Temple, against enormous night.
She smiled with clicking teeth and said
That the dead were never dead;
She said old emperors hung like bats
In barns at night, or ran like rats-
But empresses came back as cats!

-Stephen Vincent Benet




"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."
-Rosanne Amberson



Cat Gargoyle

Visit the Josie Gallery, complete with cat quotes.



To a Cat

Stately, kindly, lordly friend,
Here to sit by me, and turn
Glorious eyes that smile and burn,
Golden eyes, love's lustrous meed,
On the golden page I read.

All your wondrous wealth of hair,
Dark and fair,
Silken-shaggy, soft and bright
As the clouds and beams of night,
Pays my reverent hand's caress
Back with familiar gentleness.

Dogs may fawn on all and some
As they come;
You, a friend of loftier mind,
Answer friends alone in kind.
Just your foot upon my hand
Softly bids it understand.

-Algernon Charles Swinburne



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Cat Gargoyle

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