My name is Settler's Let the Sunshine In. I settled at Pilgrim Paws several years ago and like it here.

My name is Pilgrim Paws My Fair Lady. I am a Brown Classic Tabby an I like Major a lot

I'm Lynzkatz Lady Bug of Pilgrim Paws and Major doesn't interest me that much. I pretty much retired and have lost interest in his kind.


I'm Pilgrim Paws Pitty Pat and it may be OK for him to watch me!

Pilgrim Paws Lucky Lady

"I'm positive that he is watching us again!"


So what if he's watching. I'm too young to care! Besides, mama said not to worry about him. She told me to just have fun. After all, I'm his daughter Majorette!






My Name is April Rain and he had better not be watching me. I've been around and I know his type. All he wants to do is chase the girls and go to Shows. He has to be a good for nothing.


Our local site links:

Pilgrim Paws Home Page:

Major's Personal Page:

The Kittens Home Page:

Major's closest friends page:

This Page updated 03/26/2000








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