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Susan's Angels


August 1991 - December 2005

When I first brought you home as a small puppy with a crooked tail you stole my heart and even after all these years you still own it. You never met a person you didn't like and that little tail was always wagging no matter what. Your strong will to live made it possible for you to come through a few really touch and go times concerning your health over the years. It wasn't fair when you were diagnosed with cancer because even with your true scottie sprit I knew this was one fight you couldn't win. But you did win in a way because for months you thrived and had a great quality of life. Right up until your last night when you were playing in the snow you never suffered from this horrific disease. After playing in the snow somehow your leg broke because the spread of cancer went to your bones. You were still such a brave girl because you only let out the softest of a whimper but I knew you were in pain. From that moment on until I had to say goodbye to you and let you go the next day you never cried or whimpered again. Sherlock please know that I still love you and that your remarkable spirit will live within my heart until the day I die. You were always a good, friendly girl that gave kisses to everyone. I can't forget you, I miss you terribly and always will. My life will never be the same without you in it. Rest in peace until we meet again in a better place.


Tinker Good Dog

199? - December 2005

Your name says it all. You were found as a stray and picked up by cairn terrier rescue. I wasn't really looking for another dog but I saw that funny, cute face of your's and knew you belonged to me. I just can't believe no one was looking for you but that made it possible for you and I to get together. We formed a bond instantly and you were really just my dog. You were never 100% healthy but you still played and followed me everywhere. All you ever asked for was love and affection which was so easy to give you because you were the sweetest and most gentle of any dog I ever had. Your soft tongue licked my hand while I petted you until you fell asleep. Your cancer was diagnosed just 2 weeks after Sherlock's and I was numb and I'm still numb even though both you and Sherlock are gone. Because of our strong bond and your love for only me I was the only one that cried while I held you and you went to your final sleep. Farewell my little dog and know that I still cry for you and wish we could have had more time together than the 4 short years we did have. My heart holds a special spot for only you and you alone.

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