Da Phat Prop's Page

    "Hi, I'm Asuka Langly Sohryu, and I would like to welcome you to the section of Saturn's website where he gives a shout out to all of his friends and the people who helped to make this page possible. Hey, how come I'm not on this list? I mean, I am helping to keep this website organized, more so than Mimi or Trowa or any of the others who are keeping this place together. Oh well, if you're on this list than congrats. If not, then either our wonderful *sarcastic snicker* webmaster forgot to post your name there or you don't deserve to be there."

Phat Props go to these people:
Derek "E-Coli" Taylor
Drew "Shinji" Dubois
Jason Cote
Adderson "Warrior Universe" Martin
Andrew "Warrior Orion" Mcanirlin
David Irwin
Dan "Escaflowne" Pyle
Richard "Lethos" Doremus
Mathias "Matt" Emmerton
Crystal Lynn Moulton
Jess "Neo-Sailor Mars" Philbrook
Tod "Brantly" Whipple
Cathy "Neo-Sailor Venus" Hingston
All of my closest friends at UNH!!!!
Steve "Warrior Mars" Young
Nancy "Nanc" Rago
Pam "Tazz" Wright
Kari "Don't call me Kevin" Perry
Da crew from the UNH anime club *waves to Jason, Sadie, Amanda, Rachel, Tanya, and all the others*
Jenn "Jennifer Leather" Gonyea
my online friends Kate, Jessi, Lenny, and Zel
Xiara "Go to my page!" Olympia
All of my friends from Nero *waves to Lonnie, Dustin, Tom, Jessi, Donat, Ray, Kate, and everyone else there*
Mandy "Don't call me Miranda" Schuett
Everyone at Wildcat Knights
my friends at Butson's Supermarket
And a big "Hello" to all my friends
   in Newport, NH and from the class
   of 1997!!!!

Look Mom, I'm on da internet =Þ

Care to head back home?