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Another Trip Down Memory Lane

Thanks to Bill Alcock (Class of 1964) for scanning these pictures from our yearbooks and sending them to be shared with you.
How about this fantastic basketball team from 1964?

Standing (l-r) Bill Cross, Don Bradshaw, Derek Wells, Bramwell (Butch) Pike, Byron Reader, Wayne Neil.

Kneeling (l-r) Earl Pike, Bill Alcock

And the first hockey team at ARHS!

Back Row: (l-r) Willis French, Carl Loughlin, Benny Reid, Frank Seaward, Stuart Tiller, Derek Hefford, Jack Atwood, Selwin Warren.

Front Row: (l-r) Harry Vey, Henry Hounsell, Selwin Day, Bruce Fisher, Lowell Thomas, Jim Dawe, George Spracklin,
Earl Pollett, Bill Sheaves.


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