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"Anything above this line is not a part of our Decatur Alumni site."

Welcome to the fun photos from various Decatur reunions, along with Wills & Prophecies! If you have other get-together photos you would like added, Click Here to send an email - Please give names and year of graduating. Thank you!

2014 Alumni Banquet in Decatur (more pictures will be added later)

2011 Alumni Banquet in Decatur

2010 Alumni Banquet in Decatur

2009 get-together in Blair, May 2009 1963 & 1964 and a few other alumni

Sep 2009 Get-together at Lake of the Ozarks for a few 1961 & 1962 classmates

2008 get-together at Janz restaurant in Onawa includes '60, '61 & '62 Classes plus a few others who attended and
Group pictures of Classes of '60, '61, & '62

Young 'Uns
Class of '64 at 25th Reunion (1989) plus photos from their Youth

Class of '62 Graduates in their Youth

Class of '61 photos from their Youth

Class Wills and Prophecies:

Decatur Parade Photo ~ 1955?

Where Were You in 1962?
(Kindergarten thru Juniors ~ Class pictures from '62 Bulldog)

Where Were You in 1954?
(Kindergarten thru Juniors ~ Class pictures from '54 Barker)

Just Fun Pictures

More Fun Pictures
Will add more as received!

Return to Decatur High School Alumni Home Page

A special thanks to these sites for linking to our Decatur Alumni site:
Nebraska's Lewis and Clark Scenic Byway
Decatur, Nebraska Business and Industry
University of Nebraska
Burt County Plaindealer
(Alta Wolf's column - week of March 1, 2009)

Webmaster Lynna Reed

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"Anything below this line is not a part of our Decatur Alumni site."