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The Generous Giveaway Faerie The Giveaway Faerie

Here is the generous faerie living in Battle Cave, the Giveaway faerie! She would rather give out free items than ask for items. This faerie uses her magical powers to create items to give out. Most of the time, she doesn't have the powers to hand out enough, but she will reward those in need.:)
When she is feeling generous, she will hand everyone in the guild an item in spite of Luminesce and Umbrana. She is tired of seeing Neopians suffer, so she has opened her giveaway shrine.
You may come here to request an item, but sometimes you can't directly ask her!

Currently, her magic is low so you can't get anything from her...
Go through her Maze of Knowledge to find her ingredients for her. There are 5 different names of items to find in the maze...
Get to the maze by clicking here!

Send the name of the items through neomail to f_l_u_f_f_y_k_e_n! If her spell is worked out, she will open her magic shrine for you, and you may get one resonable wish or a random item!


The Giveaway Faerie's Wish contest:
Click here and state the name of an item that you want, one person will have their wish granted!

Please make your wish reasonable! If the requested item is cheaper, you won't have to go through the maze of knowledge and I can give everyone items!

You may also ask the Giveaway faerie for some information or advice about neopets. She knows almost everything and can assist with guild contests! You may need to use her advice sometime soon...

Don't forget to put your birthday on the calendar! You will get something when it is your birthday from the Giveaway Faerie!

Click here for the food drive.