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Battle Cave Food Drive
Battle Cave Food Drive
The holiday season is coming in two months and we are running a food drive. We know that not everyone in Neopia is a successful person, so we want to help out. At Battle Cave, we want to donate to the poor, so that they may one day become happy and successful!

You may donate on your own, but if you send items to me first (f_l_u_f_f_y_k_e_n), I will give you credit and guild rewards and prizes. Prizes will be given to the top two people who donate the most items!

So, if you're wondering when this marvelous donation is going to take place, I will start collecting food on November 1st, 2003, and all food items will be given to the Money Tree on December 25th, 2003. I hope that everyone helps out so that there can be poor users having a good time during the holidays.

You may be wondering why you should do this. Here's a few answers to that:

  • Needy Neopians can save their neopoints and eventually get good and stay on the site.
  • Users can feed their hungry neopets if they can't go to the Soup Kitchen.
  • Pets will be happy to have a good meal. A rumour says that a pet's mood helps their battling!
  • Without food, pets can't battle and therefore might not be interested in Neopets.
  • It makes you feel like you did something special for someone!!!

    Remember, the best thing for poor Neopians to recieve at the Holidays isn't a luxury toy or weapon, but happiness and being able to enjoy a good user. We need to make sure that neopets are well fed. So, please only donate food items. A needy neopet would rather have a sandwich than a cannon for a gift!

    Thank you to everyone who paticipates in the kind tradition of giving. Remember, it's not a contest for rewards (well, you do get prizes) but to know that you made a difference:)
    The members who donated the most will be given credit here!!!!!

    Have a great time and let out some loose change for the poor and needy!

    PLEASE, FOR US....