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Multilingual swear list


Poes / Doos             - Pussy
Fok jou                 - Fuck you
Jy pis my af            - You're pissing me off
Hoer                    - Whore
Slet                    - Slut
Kak                     - Shit
Poephol                 - Asshole
Dom Doos                - Dump Pussy
Gaan fok jouself        - Go fuck yourself
Tief                    - Bitch

Koos                    - cunt.
nikomak                 - fuck your mother
sharmoota               - bitch
zarba                   - shit
kis                     - vagina
zib                     - penis
Elif air ab tizak!      - a thousand "dicks" in your ass!
kisich                  - pussy
Elif air ab dinich      - A thousand dicks in your religion
Mos zibby!              - Suck my dick!
Waj ab zibik!           - An infection to your dick!
kelbeh                  - bitch (lit a female dog)
Muti                    - jackass
Kanith                  - Fucker  

Kwanii                  - Faggot
Bouse Tizi              - Kiss my ass
Khawal                  - Gay
Sharmoota Haygana       - Horny Bitch
Maaras                  - Pimp
Ebn el Metanaka         - Son of a bitch (lit. son of a dirty one)
Mara                    - bitch (egypt only)
Aha                     - shit
Khara                   - shit
gaeheba                 - Bitch

Aboosh                  - Stupid
Dmbo, Khmbo             - Idiot
Myruht kooneh           - Fuck your mother
Peranuht shoonuh kukneh - The dog should shit in your mouth
Esh                     - Donkey
Buhlo (BUL-lo)          - Dick
Kuk oudelic shoon       - Shit eating dog
Juge / jugik            - penis
Vorig / vor             - ass
Eem juges bacheek doer  - Kiss my penis
Eem voriga bacheek doer - Kiss my ass
Toon vor es             - You are an ass
Toon esh es             - You are a jackass
Metz Dzi-zik            - Big Breasts
Metz Jugik              - Big penis


baing chood             - sister fucker
chood                   - fuck/fucker
choodmarani             - mother fucker
haramjada               - bastard
dhon                    - dick
gud                     - pussy
khanki/maggi            - whore
laewra aga              - dickhead
tor bapre choodi        - fuck your dad


Gus                     - Ass
Coochka                 - Bitch
Pederas                 - Gay / Fag
Luyno                   - Shit
Luyno Guava             - Shit Head
Peeshka Guava           - Penis Head


Do prdele               - (literally, "In the ass"), "Up yours"

Mrdat, prcat            - very dirty words for "fuck," 
                          used only by the lowest of the low(whores, thugs, etc.)

Chces mrdat? 
(ksesh mrrdat?)          - "Do you want to fuck?"

Hovno                   - "shit"

Prsa                    - Tits
Pinjor                  - Cock
Hovno Hlava             - Shit Head
Peecha                  - Pussy/Cunt

Chinese (multiple Dialects)
Cantonese (phonetic, more or less)            
Poq Gai                 - "Go Die in the street", general purpose swearword
                          (ie can fit in any context, like "shit!" or "fuck you"
                          or "you bastard" etc etc etc.  add words before and
                          after for effect

D'iu ne lo mo           - Fuck your mom

sAY Baht Poh            - bitch
tiu nia ma chow hai     - fuck your mom's smelly cunt
sek si                  - eat shit
hum kah chan            - death to your family!
lok chat                - dick
hamsap                  - horny person (not a swear word actually, 
                          just an insult)
chow fah hai            - smelly cheap cunt
gai                     - whore
lun-yeung, lun tao      - dick face and dick head

hai-paw                 - Cunty woman

jhew lun dou            - Pig cock scrotum 

ow lun dun jhew hai     - ox cock double-boiled in a pig's cunt

lay da yuen fay gay mm sai sou 
                        - You jack off and never wash hands

Fei hai                 - Fat cunt

Dieu lay lo mo hum ga chan, chan lay lo mo sheung tian pang, 
   pang lay lo mo lok guy wan, wan lay lo mo bo lin chan
                        - Literal-translation: (Fuck your mother, 
                          your whole family dies, fuck your
                          mother up the roof, knock your mother 
                          into the streets to "play", squeeze
                          your mother's tit's till she dies.)
Mandarin (phonetic, more or less)            
gun ni ma /
chao ni niang           - fuck your mom
chao ni niang de zhu 
   zong shi ba dai      - fuck your mom's ancestors
                               grandmas great grandmas
daH bien                - shit
Liu mang                - standard swear for bastard/assmunch/etc
Ni ma la bi             - Your mother contracts turtles.
Hokkien (Phonectic, more or less)            
Cheeby                  - Pussy
Lan Jiao                - Dick
Kiu Mo                  - Pubic Hair
Ni Na Bu                - Your Fucking Mother
Chao                    - Cheeby Smelly Pussy
Lan Hoot                - Balls
Neh                     - Breast
Ka Ni Na Beh Chao Cheeby  
                        - Fuck Your Bloody Mother's smelly pussy
Ka Ni Na                - Fuck Your mother
Ka Ni Lao Beh           - Fuck Your Father
peh bu ki ho lang kan   - parents go fuck by someone
peh bu ki ho gao kan    - parents go fuck by dogs
and the chao cheebye    - smelly cunt
keh                     - whore
Sai ne niang            - Shit on your mother (usually in her ear)

Gan ni zhu gong di yi meah 
                        - Fuck your fore-father number one

baw lan jiao            - no cock
Hakka (Phonectic, more or less)            
diao nia meh            - fuck your mom
chew hai                - smelly cunt
bot nia meh see 
   tai lang             - fuck your mom's smelly cunt
chap jong               - bastard
guy                     - whore
nia meh boon kiu diao   - let the dog fuck your mom
FuTsoHua (Phonectic, more or less)            
SA Nu NE                - Fuck your mother.
kho Sih SAI!            - Eat shit.
kho SEE!                - Go to hell.
SA Nu NE, Nu NE woi SA  - Fuck your mother, Your mother I will fuck.
                         (rhythmically---it's a rhyme.)
Yu WA KAM               - Let's fuck

Dutch (Holland)            
lul                     - dick
kut                     - cunt
kak, stront             - shit
opdekontneuker          - up-the-ass-fucker
hoer                    - hooker
eikel                   - dickhead

kuradi munn             - (Lit. devil's penis)
kuradi puts             - (Lit. devil's cunt) [strong]
kurat vo~tku            - fuck you (Lit. let devil takes it)
kurat, saatan           - devil
kusema/pissima (v)      - to piss
mine persse!            - (Lit. go into ass)
mine vittu              - fuck off (Lit. go into cunt)
munn                    - penis
nussima,nikkuma (v)     - to fuck
piss/kusi               - piss
raisk                   - rotted
sitt                    - shit
sittuma (v)             - to shit
vitt/puts               - cunt

vittu                   - fuck(Lit. cunt)
helvetti                - hell
vittupaeae              - (Lit. cunthead)
kusipaeae               - pisshead
paskiainen              - bastard
paska                   - shit
Suksi vittuun           - Ski into a cunt
Vedae vittu paeaehaen   - Draw a cunt over your head
Ime munaa, runkkari     - Suck cock, wanker

merde                   - shit
manges la merde         - eat shit
tu m'emmerdes           - you're pissing me off 
                          (Lit. you're shitting on me)
tu me fais chier        - you are pissing me off 

vas faire foutre
   a la vache           - go fuck a cow.

encule                  - fuck you (anal style!?)
   poofias              - bitch

va te faire voir, 
   va aux diable, 
   aux pelotes,
   fous la camp, 
   va te faire cuire un oeuf, 
   va chier,
   te faire voir chez lez Grecs!
                        - go to hell!, Fuck off!
vas te faire foutre     - go get fucked (lit: stuff you)
vas te faire enculé     - fuck you
fils de pute            - son of a bitch

tu t`emmerdes!          - Fuck yourself!

une vieille bique, 
   il est becheur       - an old bitch, pompous ass

le con, la conasse, 
        la chatte       - cunt

baiser                  - to fuck

ce sont des conneries   - that's a load of shit
leche moi et saire me renier 
                        - lick me and make me cum
tete moi le dard, enculé!
                        - suck my dick,
                           you fucked faggot!
mes couilles sur ton nez - my balls on your nose
putain, pute            - whore
cul                     - ass
bite                    - cock
pauvre con              - asshole (lit: you poor cunt)
vas pisser dans 
   les fleurs           - fuck off (lit: go piss in the flowers)
c'est rien que 
   de la merde          - its just a bunch of shit
maudite vache           - asshole/bitch/etc - (lit: damned cow)
va chier                - go shit
tu mangeras le tas      - you can eat the pile 
                            (usually an answer to "va chier"s)
Maudit plotte!          - filthy cunt (Canadian)
Chienne                 - bitch (lit. female dog)
fils du chienne         - son of a bitch
ta mere est une cheinne - your mother is a bitch
allez a enfer/va a enfer 
                        - go to hell
embrasse mon derriere   - kiss my ass
Va jouer avec toi       - go play with yourself
Va briccole avec toi    - go tinker with yourself
tu vache                - (lit. you cow)


Blödes Arschloch        - stupid asshole

Dummes Huhn             - stupid chicken

Scheisse                - shit
Fotze                   - cunt
Blöde Fotze             - Stupid cunt
Schwuchtl               - faggot (noun)
Lesbe                   - Lesbian
Mutterficker            - motherfucker
Hurensohn               - sonuvabitch
Hure                    - whore
Depp                    - idiot
Drecksau                - dirty pig
Arschgesicht            - "Assface" (Butthead)
Fick dich!              - fuck you
Fick mich               - fuck me
(dummer) Schweinhund    - (dumb) pigdog (archaic)
Schlampe                - tramp or slut
das geht dich einen feuchten 
   Scheissdreck an      - none of your fucking business
                          (Lit. that concerns you like wet shit)
du verdammter 
    Arschficker         - you damn assfucker
Auf Wiedersehen 
    Fickakopf           - Goodbye fuckhead
himmeldonnerwetter      - *no translation--very strong curse* 
                          (Lit. heaven thunder weather)
Leck mich am Arsch      - lick my ass
mach es dir selber      - go fuck yourself
scheissekopf            - shithead
Lichten mein asch.      - kiss my ass, Lit.- Lick my ass
Lichten mein 
       Hosenschlange!   - lit. - Lick my trouser snake

schnoodle noodle        - dick snot

Dummcopf                -(lit. stupid head)
Vig dischen swaenen     - you fucking bastard

vlaca                   - stupid (noun), moron
Malacca                 - masturbator, harshest swear for a male
malaka wanker gamisou   - fuck off
Ay gamisou              - go fuck off
to mounee tis manas sou - fuck your mother's pussy
mounee                  - pussy
poutsos                 - dick
poustis                 - faggot
Fila mou to kolo        - kiss my ass

As to thialo            - Go to hell

Skila                   - Bitch
Boostie Mav-ro malaka 
    skit-tah            - nigger dick sucking faggot.
Kane mou pipa           - Blow me / Suck my dick

Salta gamisou           - Go fuck yourself

Mouni                   - Cunt

Kolos                   - Ass

Tha sou skiso to mouni  - I will rip your cunt apart
vromokola               - dirty ass
min alazis kathe mera krajion,
  giati mu xeis kani ton poutso uranio toxo
                        - don't change your lipstick every day 
                          because my dick looks like a rainbow.
glikotsutsunos          - a guy with sweet dick
kolobaras               - assfucker
se gamo kai hino, 
   les na pahino?       - popular insult (meaning?)
paliarhido              - old balls
su gamo to spiti, ti mana kai to theo
                        - I'll fuck your family one by one,the god 
                          that you believe in and especially your 
                          mother(the absolute greek insult)
Segrafa sta archidia-mu - Bullshit. 

Haitian Creole            
dan bounda ou           - up your ass
kolan guete maman ou    - fuck you
L'en mede               - piss off (Lit. in the shit)

Zonah                   - whore
Zayin                   - cock
Harah                   - shit.
Mishugena               - freak

Hutzpa                  - balls (as in he's got a lot of nerve)
Beitsim                 - Balls
ben zonah               - son of a bitch (son of a whore, actually)
lech zayen et 
     ima shelcha        - go fuck your mom
zayin                   - penis
tahat                   - ass
mitromem mizdayen 
    batahat             - gay assfucker
zayin al hakuss 
   hamasrihach shel 
   haima hamechoeret 
   shelcha              - fuck your ugly mom's smelly cunt
lech lehizdayen         - fuck off
lech timtzotz et 
   hazayin hakatan shel 
   aba shelcha me'onen 
   ehad                 - go suck your dad's small dick you wanker
lech zayen para         - go fuck a cow
timtzotz li et hazayin,
   hatichat hara 
   masriach             - suck my cock you smelly piece of shit
lakek et hatahat sheli  - lick my ass
lakeki li a hadagdegan, 
   zonah                - lick my clit you whore
benzona                 - son of a bitch
lech tiezdayen          - fuck you
ben sharmuta            - like son of a bitch
manyak                  - just a cures
coos ima selha          - your mother's vegina

bazd meg a picsadat     - fuck your cunt

geci                    - crap shit kid

fasz                    - dick

lofasz a segedben       - horsedick in your ass

chutia                  - pussy (in a "you are stupid" context)
gaandu                  - asshole
mah-der chod            - mother fucker
tatti                   - shit
Bhen Chhod bhayn-chod   - Sister Fucker
Madar Chhod 
  maa-duhr chod         - Mother fucker
Bhai Chhod bha-yee chod - Brother Fucker
Chutiya choo-tia        - Fucker
Gaand gaa-nd            - Ass
Lund luh-nd             - Cock
Chut choot              - Pussy
Mammey mumm-aye         - Breasts

bangsat                 - bastard
bule                    - caucasian
gila                    - crazy
isep kontol             - blow job
isep kontol gua         - suck my dick
kontol                  - penis
memek                   - vagina
monyet                  - monkey
ngentot                 - fuck
ngentot lu              - fuck you
ngewe                   - fucking
pantat                  - ass
pantat besar            - big ass
peler                   - penis
pentil                  - nipple
toket                   - women's breast
toket besar             - big breast
jembut                  - pubic hair
biji                    - testicles ( slang, lit. means "seed" )
pentil                  - nipple
palaji                  - ( slang ) foreskin
perek                   - bitch
tai                     - shit

puttana                 - whore
fungula / scopa         - fuck
merda                   - shit
Vaffanculo              - fuck off
No Skuche ala Gats!     - what the fuck do you want from my balls?
pezzo de merda          - son of a bitch
figlio de puttana       - you are a piece of shit.
Catzo vai via stronzo   - Get the fuck out of here ass hole

bumboclot               - you are full of shit
teras                   - your ass

Japanese (phonetic, more or less)            
baka yaroo              - stupid bastard
Chikushoo               - oh Fuck! (literally: "Animal")
Kuso                    - shit
Kusu o taberu na!       - Eat Fucking Shit
Urusai, Kono Bakayaro   - Shut up you noisy idiot!
ChinChin                - penis ("thingie")
ketsunoana              - Asshole
Pai Pai                 - Breasts, nipples
onara                   - fart
onara atama             - fart head
onani                   - masterbate
anato wa onani o shimasuka is
                        - Do you masterbate
kin tama                - golden balls
kisama                  - lord of the donkeys (very rude word meaning "you")
manko                   - pussy
baka kuso atama         - stupid shit head
ahraywah ohmankogah skeeda
                        - I enjoy pussy very much
Ama                     -  bitch

Korean (phonetic more or less)            
Ssibal-seki /
Samanes-seki(?)         - Son of shit
eemee sheemee pek 
     poejee dah         - your mother has a bald pussy
Geseki                  - Son of a bitch

Yumago                  - fuck you

shibseki                - all the bad stuff combined, bitch, whore etc.

Ko-chu-pado             - suck my dick

Kochu                   - dick
Dong-mogo               - eat shit

K-sa-key                - bitch

She-pa-nom              - No exact translation but it is the worst 
                             word you could ever say in Korean.
Ja - shick              - You are a bastard.

Stercum                 - Shit
Flocci non facio        - I don't give a damn
tua mater               - your mother
Dormi mecum             - sleep with me
Tu es stultior quam asinus 
                        - you are dumber than an ass
cunnus                  - cunt
irrumator               - bastard
pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo 
                        - i will fuck you in the ass and have 
                          you give me some good head
leno                    - pimp
mentula                 - penis
meretrix                - prostitute
Orcae Ita!              - Hells Yeah!
spucatum tauri          - Bull shit

Malaysian (phonetic, more or less)            
pookih lang chiau pakalau mah bong 
                        - may your ass, boobs, and penis all fall off
anak haram              - bastard
cibai                   - pussy (?)
pantat                  - ass
puki/pepek              - pussy
puki mak                - fuck your mother (also "mother's cunt")
saya hendak pukimak     - I want to fuck your mom
isap telur              - Suck my balls
cor-nek / shuhana       - dick
tetel                   - boobs
chin hooi               - asshole
bodoh                   - dumb ass
celaka                  - idiot
puki-thiam              - whore house
bohsia                  - young horny bitch
tet tet                 - breast
tah fei kei (TFK)       - masturbate

Maltese (phonetic, more or less)            
moo-HOO-doo fsodoMOC    - take it up yer poopshoot

Macedonian (phonetic, more or less)            
pitch-ga da mahl-a      - literally "return to your mother's cunt"

Helvete                 - Hell
Pule                    - Fuck
Faen                    - Damn
Dritt                   - Shit
drittsekk               - shitbag
Fitte                   - Cunt
fleskepanne             - meathead
pikk                    - dick
hore                    - slut
din faens rompeslikker  - you damn asslicker
din mor suger 
  pikk i helvete        - your mother sucks cock in hell
ditt lusne, skitne, 
raatne grisetryne       - you lousy, dirty stinking, rotten pigface
dra meg hardt i rompehara /
knull meg hardt og fort - fuck me hard and fast (basically...)
Un da sac               - You sack of shit

Persian (phonetic, more or less)            
Kosefil                 - Elephant's Cunt
kosskesh                - pimp (literal: "one who stretches pussy")
coony                   - Faggot
kesafat                 - you dirty piece of shit

beshoor                 - no brained

madar kharbeh           - mother fucker

an                      - diarhhea

kos-khol                - person who is crazy and obessed for a
                          girl's pussy

amale                   - dirty piece of shit labor worker

khar                    - idiot

an damagh               - booger

khange khodah           - screw-up of god

antareh gav             - "annoying cow"

bee-sharaf              - [bad insult].  def. (?)
Gendeh                  - Bitch or whore
Pedar Sag               - (Lit.) Your father is a dog
Khar Coste              - Your sister is a bitch
Mardar Sag              - (Lit.) Your mother is a dog.

huj                     - dick
dupek                   - asshole
dziwka                  - whore (light)
kurwa                   - whore (hard), fig. "Oh shit!"
spieprzaj               - piss off
spierdalaj              - fuck off
pojebany                - fucked up
pierdolec               - fucker
Gówno (pron. GOOVnoh)   - shit
zajebiste               - "fucking awesome"
Coor-va                 - fuck
pierdol mnie ty kurva   - get outta here bitch

odpierdol sie huju bo 
     tobie zapierdole   - get out of here you faggot or 
                          I'll fuckin mess u up


foder                   - to fuck; Present Indicative: eu
broche                  - cock sucking
chupa-me a              - suck my cock
foda-se                 - fuck (figurative)
pica, piroca, caralho   - cock
puta, cabra             - bitch
vai para o caralho      - piss off vai-te
corno                   - faggot


Sooka                   - Bitch/traitor/whore
Yob                     - Fuck (verb root)(ie "I Fuck"="Ya Yebur"
baltattsya kak govno v prorubi 
                        - to be flighty or indecisive (?) 
                          (Lit. to bob like shit in a hole in the ice)
Yob tvoiu mat'          - "Fuck you!" or "Oh shit!"
                          (literal: "Fuck your mother" or 
                          "I just fucked your mother")
                               (perhaps the harshest insult in Russian)
poshol na khui          - Fuck off (Lit. go onto a dick)
poshol v zhopu          - Fuck off (Lit. go into an asshole)
tebya ne ebut, 
   ti ne podmakhivai    - mind your own fucking business 
                          (Lit. you're not being fucked, 
                           so don't wiggle your ass)
paashol v'chorte        - go to hell
kooshi govno ee oomree  - eat shit and die
ya eemay-you o-chen 
    balshoy jol-ty hoy  - I have a big yellow dick
tva-ya mama sa-seet 
kor-rov-on-ni-ye hoy-ee - You mother sucks cow dicks.
per-ee-staan haameetca  - stop bitching
yob tvoyu mat           - fuck your mother
bivneetca               - showing off asshole
peesa                   - polite penis
govno                   - shit (literally)
bliad                   - "Oh shit!" (lit. whore)
Khui                    - cock
pizda                   - cunt
manda                   - cunt
zhopa                   - an asshole or an ass
sraka                   - an ass (extremely vulgar)
mudak                   - an asshole (a person only)
bliad'                  - whore
govniuk                 - shithead


Jebem ti mater u picku! - I fuck your mother in her pussy!
(Yebem tee mutter oo peetchqu)

Bog te jebo!            - May God fuck you!
(Bog te yebo)

Jebo ti pas mater!      - May a dog fuck your mother!
(Yebo tee puss mutter)

Crko dabogda stoko seljacka!
                        - May you drop dead, you redneck ox!
(Crko dubogda stocko selyachka)

Popusis mi kurac krasni! 
                        - Suck my lovely dick!
(Popoosheesh me quratz krusnee)
Peecko smrdlyeeva       - You smelly pussy. 
                          (when you are a wimp, or afraid to do something)

Govno yedno             - You piece of shit.

Peechka                 - pussy.

Sranje!                 - ohhh, shit!

Some!                   - you stupid ass.

Yebachu te!             - I'll fuck you. 
                          (have two meanings. 
                          1. if you want to fight with someone. 
                          2. when you are about to fuck a chick.
Moi te kara is ormara.  - My dick is fucking you from an closet.
Jebem ti sunce          - I fuck your sunshine.
Jebem ti dete musavo.   - I fuck your dirty child, with meaning you
                          are that one.
Jebo te Sveti Ilija.    - The saint Ilija fucks you.
Jebo te Papa.           - The Pope fucks you.
Isisas mi kurcu seme    - You are sucking out my sperm readily.
Picka ti se ogadila.    - I beg the god that pussy will not exist for
                          you anymore. Very important to say to somebody 
                          who can't live without pussy.
Govedo!                 - Jerk.
Sisadzijo.              - Cock sucker.
Jebem te usta.          - I am fuckung you in the mouth. Very nice expresion.
Jebem te u oko.         - I am fucking you in the eye. You say this when
                          somebody can't see something, or if somebody can 
                          see to much.

Pejt u pizdu mater!     - Go to (in) your mothers vagina
(Peyt oo PEEZ-doo MA-ter)

Preklet vosu!           - Cursed donkey (literally "Bloody fool")
(Prek-LET voh-SOO)

kurac                   -  penis

pizda                   - vagina

drek                    - shit

peder                   - faggot

Chingas tu madre        - Fuck your mom

Mierda                  - Shit

Chupa me, puto          - Suck me, asshole!
chupe me verga / 
chupa me la peha        - suck my dick
puta                    - (feminine) whore, bitch
puto                    - (masculine) dickhead, asshole
joto                    - faggot (mex.)
pendejo/pendeja         - (m/f) asshole, dickhead, etc.
Marricon                - faggot
Mariposa (Mex.)         - faggot (lit. butterfly)
chingar                 - to fuck
cagar                   - to shit
coger                   - to fuck, (lit. to catch)
mamar                   - to suck
mama huevo              - suck genitalia
verga                   - dick (lit. broomstick)
pinche                  - fucking (sp?)
chorizo                 - dick (lit. sausage)
panocha                 - pussy (extremely vulgar)
culo                    - ass
huevos                  - testicles (lit. eggs)
chichis                 - breasts
pendeja, pendejo        - (Lit. pubic hair)
me cago en la hostia    - i shit in the communion wafers
Cago en tu leche        - I shit in your milk.
beso mi culo            - kiss my ass
hacete cojer            - go and get fucked
hijo de mil putas       - son of thousand bitches
metete un palo en 
   el culo              - shove a stick up your ass
me cago en la puta 
   madre que te pario 
   hijo de puta         - I shit on the bitch mother that gave you 
                             birth you son of a bitch
chimba                  - pussy (colombian spanish)

Pinche Caborron         - fucking son of a bitch
Chilito                 - (lit.) little dick

juele a mierda          - you smell like shit

fitta                   - cunt
kuk                     - cock
pattar                  - tits
fan                     - damn
mammaknullare           - motherfucker
din morsa luktar 
   friterad getröv 
   i fittan             - your mother smells like fried 
                          goatass in her cunt
kuksugare               - cocksucker
knullare                - fucker
rövhal                  - asshole
helvete                 - hell
bög                     - faggot
jävlar                  - fucking
sug min kuk             - suck my cock

Tagalog (Philippine)            
TAE                     - Shit

Putang ina mo           - Your mom is a bitch
maliit ang titi mo      - you got a small dick
magkantutan tayo        - let's fuck
naninigas ang titi ko   - I got a hard on
didilain ko ang tingil mo - I'll lick your clit
sipsipin mo ang titi ko - suck my dick
lunukin mo ang tamod ko - swallow my cum
malaki ang susu mo      - you got big tits
anak ka nang puta       - son of a bitch
puke nang ina mo        - your mom's pussy
tukmol                  - ugly
Igao walang kang diti   - you are dickless
Igao walang kang puit   - you are buttless
Bi-HO KEE KEE           - Stinky pussy.

Siktir lan              - get fucked

Anani sikerim           - i'll fuck your mum

got veren               - ass giver

ibne                    - faggot

um                      - cunt

chukumu yala            - suck my dick

ananin yara var, 
   ve baban jelos oldu  - your mums got a dick and your
                              father jealous.

goo                     - dick
geeum                   - pussy
dum [doom] mare may     - fuck your mother
lo-de                   - asshole
du-ma-nhieu             - go fuck yourself

Hivno                   - shit
Khui                    - cock
Sraka                   - ass

 Unique English

Anally retentive Pubic Louse

Cum Guzzling Fat Fuck

Gap Toothed trailer park discount whore
Lying sack of Siberian snake shit
gapped toothed, beer guzzlin', cousin fucker
cum-guzzling two-bit road whore from hell
semen-sucking princess of Hades
Tasmanian Bug - Fucker
Syphilli-infected anal drip

Putz                    - dickhead
Yutz                    - asshole
Schlemeil               - asshole (the one that "screws")
Schlmazel               - asshole ("gets screwed" by the schlemeil)
Mishugena               - freak


Umgogo waku isfebe      - Your grandmother is a bitch

Masendeh kababu waku    - Your father's bolls
Msuno kanyoku           - Your mother's cunt
Stabaneh                - Faggot
Malebeh                 - Cunt lips
Masendeh                - Bolls
ngquza                  - asshole
golo                    - cunt
msunu ka nyoko          - your mother's cunt
bhebha                  - fuck
sifebe                  - whore