An Attempt to Give Everyone at Least One Line;

  • An Attempt to Give Everyone at Least One Line; by Chalunch

    featuring Tabby, Chad, Mary, Miranda, Cherry, Ami, Kay, and Lynoleum.

    The above list of people were eating some lunch stuff.

    Tabby- Yummy, yum, yum.

    Chad- Yup, lunch is goodness.

    Mary- I like eating lunch.

    Suddenly there is a blast of light of some sorts, and the group finds themselves in a gym of some sorts.

    Miranda- My goodness, we're in a gym of some sorts.

    Cherry- And we are surrounded by cult members.

    Ami- of some sorts.

    The cult members just stare at he group of high school students in amazement.

    Cult member/dude #1- Dude, what did we just do, dude?

    Dude #2- I don't know dude.

    Suddenly there is a loud sound of a door being opened loudly. A lavender-haired girl walks in all angry-like.

    Girl(let's just call her Tika)- Yokio! What are you doing in here?!

    Dude #1- Yokio ain't here ma'am.

    Tika- Wha? but I could have sworn I sensed someone's been messing with the whole space-time continueum thingy...

    Dude #2- That 'cause we were messing with it!

    Tika- What?!

    I don't even want to know.....

    You're not supposed to mess with time!

    Dude #1- Why not?

    Tika- Because....never mind.

    She sees the group of 'time travelers' on the ground.

    Kay- Hi-ee!

    Tika- oh, my

    Come with me you guys, I'll have to find some way to get you back to your own time.

    Lynoleum- Hey, what about my line?

    Me-I couldn't think of anymore, you'll just have to wait for me to write 'another one'.

    Lynoleum- Why are you talking in quotation marks, that's creepy. Oh, and I want airtime now.

    Me- Will it make you happy if I have Tika 'check you out'.

    Lynoleum- You're creeping me out again, and yes, that would bring me closer to happiness.

    Tika 'checks out' Lynoleum.

    Tika (to herself)- he's kinda cute.

    Lynoleum- Whoo-hoo!

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