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Elkhorn-Waterloo Assembly #38
Tribute To Our Mother Advisors

happy heart

h a p p y

m o t h e r s

d a y

This Mother's Day we would like to honor those wonderful ladies who do so much for our Assemblies, our Mother Advisors. These wonderful ladies who just about do everything. They give out love and advice, they do cooking, baking, decorating, car pooling, arrange trips to Grand Assembly, Supreme Assembly,and Mini Grand, fund raising, paperwork, you name it -they do it, and they do it just because of the love they have for all the girls and their love of this wonderful organization.

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Elkhorn-Waterloo Assembly #38 would like to pay special tribute to our own Mother Advisors

Mrs. Denise Hyde hoop

spool and spool

hoop Mrs. Marcia Imig

Mrs. Hyde and Mrs. Imig have both been working with the Assembly since their daughters Amanda and Elizabeth joined Rainbow about 7 years ago. They have been Mother Advisors for 4 years. Both are Officers of Luna Chapter #169 OES. Mrs. Hyde is a former member of Job's Daughters, and Marcia is a Majority Rainbow girl. They are the jewels of our Assembly, and we honor them with this page. They both love to do cross stitch and crafts, and have made many things for the Assembly, the girls, and others associated with Rainbow. There are no words that can express our gratitude to them, and to all Mother Advisors. Thank you so much for everything, and God Bless you both.





This is a tribute to all Mother Advisors, Past Present and Future

Many times we have heard it said that since God could not be everywhere He made Mothers. The truth of this statement has been proven many times to each of us as individuals. We have indeed been fortunate to have our needs for help and advice answered through our present Mother Advisors, as well as our Past Mother Advisors.

Rainbow "Moms" are real mothers to an enourmously large family of daughters. In doing this they display some superhuman qualities

The position Mother Advisors occupy calls for winning ways with young women. It takes both courage and common sense to say and mean "NO" at the right time. They show a real talent for knowing when reason demands refusal. We are grateful for the many time that their advice has helped us to avoid making unfortunate mistakes.

It might seem that it would be easier for a Mother Advisor to agreeably say "yes" and let the matter go at that. But whe a Rainbow Mom says "Yes", she really means "Yes, you may do this, and I will help you be successful in the undertaking." A Mother Advisor takes the responsibility for the success and welfare of her adopted brood seriously. There have been many times, indeed, when the right kind of help at the right time from a Mother Advisor, has meant the difference between certain failure and resounding success.

In addition to the appreciation we feel for her efforts at assist us, we would also like to extend our sincerest thanks to her family for sharing her with us. No matter when we telephone, she is ready and willing to give whatever assistance we need. Her good humor and good nature have been demonstrated to some one of us nearly every day.

RainbowMom---She's awlays Running 'Round Relegating Responsibility serving Refreshments and Rewarding success. She never Relaxes her Respect for Regulations and Readiness, but she Ruleswithout Rancor
She's Royalty

A She has the Ability to Admonish without Annoyance, to Aid with Affection,Avoid Argument and to show Appreciation of Accomplishment without Amazement. She never Abstains from exercizing her Abominable Authority Abnormally.
After she hears all of this, she's Apt to Abdicate!

A Her Indefatigable, Infallible, Impromptu, Improvising, Is Incredible!. She's Impatient with Idleness, Indulgent with Impishness and Intolerant with Impudence! Her Ideasare Imaginative.
If she weren't such an Ideal Mother Advisor, we'd drive her Insane

A She's Not by Nature a Nagger, but she's Never Neglects a Noisy Nuisance. She insists that Neatness is a Necessity, Neutrality is Notable, and Nonchalance often Normal.
Nevertheless, she executes her duties Nobly!

A She's Busy, she's Brave, she Battles the Board in our Behalf. Her Bark is worse than her Bite. Practices may be Bedlam, But Initiations Become Beautiful Because she's a Brilliant Boss
You'd never Believe the Boo-Boos and Blunders she Bears!

A She's no Ordinary Mom but works Overtime at every Occasion. She Oversees but doesn't Overurle. She fulfills her Official Obligations with Optimism.
She's Okay!

A Who, What, Why, When, Where---she knows all the answers!! She never Wearies fo Watching over us With Warmth and Wisdom. Her Winning Ways Work Wonders Without a Whip!
She's a Whale of a Mother Advisor!

Your advice is good and sound
It is offered whenever we have need.
You are always cheerful and pleasant
And a thoroughly grand person indeed

Please accept our many heartfelt thanks
For your kindness, love, and aid
Truly, when God could not be everywhere
You are the kind of person that He made

Thanks for all your time and attention,
Thanks for always answering your phone.
Thanks for attending all of our meetings
And for being our ever present chaperone

Thanks for not failing to remember
When we were so certain to forget
Thanks for helping us to happy times
With no unpleasantness to bring regret

May the love our Assembly feels for you
Shine like a Rainbow in your heart
May you remember your daughters always
Even when we are far apart

This tribute was orginally presented in 1970 by Elkhorn-Waterloo #38's Mother Advisor, Marcia Scott Imig, when she was Worthy Advisor of Omaha Assembly #1. It was written for her Mother Advisor, Mrs Eleanor Rasmussen, who was also Grand Deputy and Nebraska Grand Executive Board Member.


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Home Page
Officers and Advisory Board July 1999
Officers and Advisory Board January 1999
Officers and Advisory Board July 1998
Our Grand Family 2000-2001
Our Grand Family 1999-2000
Our Grand Family 1998-1999
Schedule and Activities for January 1999-July 1999
July 1998 Term Schedule
Membership Information
History of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls
Links to Rainbow Assemblies Around the World
Links to Job's Daughter's Sites
Links to DeMolay Sites
Links to Eastern Star Sites

button Worthy Advisor's Pages button
Sarah Manus' Term
Alicia Wolford's Page
Lindsey Gideon's Page
Elizabeth and Amanda's Page
Sarah Wilson's Page
Tara Lawson's Page
Kendra Johnson's Page
Elizabeth Imig's Page
Amanda Hyde's Page
Magan Wiedel's Page
Mindy Lucas' Page
Katie Chadwell's Page

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Cookie Jar Recipe Page
Rainbow Rick's Ranch and Adoption Center
Rainbow Rick's Holiday Adoption Center
Spaghetti Dinner 2008 Photo Album

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New Year 99/ Valentine's Day 1999/ St Patrick's Day 1999/ Easter Fun 1999/ Easter page 2/
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Easter 2008/ Mother's Day 2008/ Memorial Day 2008/ Flag Day 2008/ Father's Day 2008/
Halloween 2008/ Veterans Day 2008/ Thanksgiving 2008/
Christmas 2008 Advent Calendar/ New Year's 2009/ Valentine's Day 2009/
St Patrick's Day 2009/

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Visit Luna Chapter 169

Luna Chapter Pages
All About Us
Luna Chapter Home Page
Luna Chapter News 2009
Luna Chapter 2009 Schedule
Tribute to Our 50 Year Members
Past Matrons and Past Patrons
Recipes of the Stars Cookbook

Past Matrons - Past Patron Terms
Marcia Imig and Ervin Imig 2009 // Pictures in the Garden
Sue Hedges and Ervin Imig 2008  //   Traditions in Photos
Amanda Hyde Kloke - Ervin Imig 2007
Elizabeth Imig - Ervin Imig 2006   //   "Fun on the Beach" 2006 Photo Album
Sharron Gilson - Allan Rolfs 2005  //   2005 Memories Around the Chapter
April Scott - Robert Attebery 2004  //   Ark Photo Gallery 2004
Sue Hedges - Allan Rolfs //

Our Worthy Grand Patron
Robert Attebery, Worthy Grand Patron 2001-2002

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m day award
We were awarded 1st Place in the Mother's Day site contest by the HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY WEBRING. We are so honored !!! Thank you !!!!

Last updated February 16, 2009 - (11/15-39) 49
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