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~~~~~~~~~~in the gameroom~~~~~~~~~~
After about 20 min, just when everybody was getting comforable with each other, it happened.... The night mamager came in and said that the game room was closing and they had to leave:( (had ya goin didn't I) "Ahh man, this stinks," they all mumbled under their breath. But they all headed back to their floor. "I'm gonna go to the soda machines," Lance said, "Wanna come with me?" he sasked Katy. "Sure. Does anyone want anything?" she asked the girls. " Na," "I'm ok." "Not me," they all replied. "What about us?" Chris asked, faking a hurt expression. "You want anythig?" Lance asked. "No, but thanks for askin'," he joked. "I'm hungry, I'm gonna go to the candy machine," Chels stated. "Me to. I'm goin' with ya," Joey stated.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~at the soda machine~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I had a balst today," Lance said "your concert was really good." "Thanks. I had a good time too, but that is the 3rd time you've said that you enjoyed the concert in the last 45 min," Katy laughed. "Oh. Oops. I'm really looking foreward to the tour now. We are gonna have to step up our show to keep up." "I dought that." Katy said turning red. "What? why are you blushing?" "I was just thinking of the flower you sent. I'm sorry I didn't thank you sooner, i just.." "Oh your welcome. Its ok. I know you are shy, but I never know you turned that red so easily!!" "Nock it off. I can't help it." "Sorry," he said as he blushed a little himself, "Are you gonna be able to come to our concert tomorrow night?" "I'm not sure. We are supposed to leave at 7:00am, I don't know if we can get it changed." "Oh I see" he replied disapointedly.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~back with the others by the rooms~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Look at those two," Kimberly remarked referring to joey and Chelsea "I don't think that they could flirt any more. Thats Chels for ya" "Thats Joey for ya," Jc remarked. "Ya the U.S. has baseball as its national passtime, Joey has flirting as his," Chris remarked. "We need ice," said Justin. "So do we,"Brandi said. "I'll meet ya at the ice machine." "Ok." "Can I see that pic you were telling me about before I go to bed?" Cheryl asked Chris. "Sure, its in my room. Come on in," he said with a smile on his face.
The girls are all in room 121 and the guys are in room 125, except Justin, who decided he wanted a Caramello after all, talking before they go to bed. "Man I had so much fun today," Brandi said as she got back with the ice and got a cup of water. "Ah yah!!" the girls all agreed. "Justin is so sweet!" "So is JC. He even let me win at pool!" Kimberly announced. "Joey is such a flirt. He..well... I can't describe it. He's just so fun!" Chelsea squeeled. "I don't think I have ever heard you squeel before. Dude Chris is crazy. He definately had to be the one to come up with that rat thing," Cheryl said. "Lance is soooo nice and sweet. He even blushed, just like me!!!"Katy yelped. "Man I don't think I can take all this yelping and squeeling," Kimberly said. "That is usually Brandi's job," as she got a pillow in the head."Are we gonna be able to go to their concert tomorrow? JC asked me, and he said that everyone was invited." "Yah, Justin asked me too." Brandi prouldy announced. "I think we ALL got asked" Katy said, turning a little pink." But we are supposed to leave at 7:00 am in the morning, and I don't think that is gonna change." "Why do we have to leave so early?" Brandi whined "Uhh, we are in the middle of a tour!! HELLO? is anybody home??" Cheryl sarcastically asked. "HA HA" Brandi replied. "We need to do something for them. We won't see them for three months," Kimberly sadly reminded everyone. "But what?" "Why don't we order them breakfast in the morning and leave our e-mail addys on a note?" Chelsa suggested. "Its sweet, but not to much." "That sounds good," Katy agreed. "Yah, and I could give Chris a rubber rat for breakfast," Cheryl said as they all started to roll on the floor laughing as they thought of his face when he lifted the lid off the plate and saw the little creature. "Come on Cher, lets get to bed. We gotta be up in the morning," Chelsea stated. Just then they heard the door to the room shut all the way. "What was that?" Katy asked. "uuu uhh, I dunno. Lets just get to bed It's 1:30 and I'm beat," Brandi said. "Ok. No complaints here," they all agreed. back in the guys room......... Justin walks in on a friendly game of 'lets see how much soda we can drink before we burp.' "Guys you'll never guess what i heard!!!!" Justin yells. "What?" Joey says/burps. "That is gross. I was wlakin' by the girls room and since the doors are so thin I heard them talking" "Justin, you eavesdropped.... Good boy. Do tell do tell!!!!" Chris yells as he patted Justin on the head, right before he got smacked up side his head. "They all like us, I think as much as we like them," He said. "Dude, All right, Ahh yah," they all unanamiously celebrated. "I hope they can come tomorrow, well tonight," JC said looking at the clock. "Yah, me too," Lance replied, "Did they know you were there?" he said to Justin. "Naa, the door was cracked a little, but they were to buisy laughing to notince when I left." "That's good. Come on, lets get to bed I'm beat!" JC said. "Man you are always beat," Chris said. Just then they heard somebody running down the hallway. "Wonder who that was? I thought we were the only ones on this floor," Lance said. "Maybe it was a fan running from security or somethin," Justin suggested. "Yah, but I don't hear any security." Oh well, guess it was nothing." "Night!!" They all said to each other. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the next morning in the guys room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The guys are awakened to the room service nocking on the door to bring them b- fast "Man what the..." Justin was saying as he got up to get the door, "We didn't order room service. Joey got his door at the same time. The deliverer said itwas from rooms 121 and 123. The guys thanked her and took the food inside.Each one had a note saying how sorry the girls were for not being able to go to their concet, but wished them luck and left their addy and cell phone and pager numbers. Each one had also left a "till next time kiss" on the card.(you know, they put on lipstick and kissed the message) How sweet.

Chapter 8