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Cahpter 8

The guys were all a little disappointed that the girls had to leave before their concert, but at the same time they were very happy that the girls had sent them breakfast. They also loved the kiss on the notes. "I wonder what they ordered for us," Joey said, "I'm starved." He opened his plate to find a huge stack of pancakes. "Hey that looks good. I wonder what I get," Chris said as he opened his plate. "AAAHHHHH What the......." he yelled as Joey started to laugh so hard he nearly choked on a bite of his pancakes."I got a friekin rat. a rubber rat. This is NOT what I call a balanced breakfast." "Oh lighten up. Cheryl got you back good. REAL good" At the sound of Chris's scream, the other 3 ran to see what was goin on. Joey let them in at their knock "What the heck?" Asked Justin. "Cheryl got Chris back. She gave him a rat for breakfast" Joey proudly announced as Chris held it up by the tail, swinging it around. The rest of the guys laughed for at least a minute straight before they had to go get ready for their busy day.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back on High Harmonies' tour bus~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I wonder if Chris has gotten his breakfast by now?" Cheryl asked. "I don't know, but I wish I could see his face when he does," Brandi replied as she gave her a high five. Just then Jake, the head of their security, came up to the girls." I really hate to have to ask you girls this but, did you hear or see anything strange last night?" "Strange how?" Katy asked. "Just... anything out of the ordinary" "Well, the door was cracked a little and it shut on its own," Kimberly told him. "Are you sure it was on its own?" "Well unless it was one of the guys, weren't we the only ones on the floor?" "You were supposed to be, it wasn't the guys though. We had tabs on them" "Then I guess it was the boogie man," Chels eerily joked as they giggled "No, I'm afraid it wasn't," Jake said. "Jake your scaring me. What's going on here?" Katy nervously asked. "Well, it is time we tell you. There have been some threats against you.Nothing bad yet, but it is getting worse, and we had reason to believe that whoever is behind it was in your hotel last night.""Do you know who it is?" Brandi asked"No. Not yet.""What kind of threats?" Kimberly asked."You don't need to know all the specifics.""What do you mean we don't need to know all the specifics!!!" Katy yelled."It is our lives and safety in the balance here," Chelsea threw in."We have a right to know!!!!" Cheryl demanded."Calm down. Like I said there hasn't been anything serious yet." Jake answered. "There have just been strange phone calls and letters in the mail.But last night there was a hand delivered note in front of Dana's hotel door.We are gonna make security a little tighter, don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you. Just help us out by being extra careful. Ok?""Alright. Whatever you need us to do," the girl acknowledged. They were all now very close to being terrified and definitely scared.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back at the hotel with the guys~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They were in their morning briefing with their manager. "Ok you guys got today's schedule?" Johnny said."Yah, Ok, Sure," they all replied."Now there is one more thing, Bubba?" he asked the head of security to come over to talk to the guys."Did you guys notice anything strange last night?" He asked."No, just a rat on my plate this morning," Chris answered as the guys snickered.Bubba just looked a little confused."Don't ask," Lance told him."Seriously guys. You didn't notice anything?" He asked again. "Well, there was some fan or something running down the hall last night." JC answered "You must have been hot on her trail. Why?""Well, there have been some phone calls and mail sent to the girls, but last night it was hand delivered.""So they have some persistent fans, what's the deal?" Justin asked, a little curious at the serious look on Bubba's face."Well, these messages have been threatening, and to some personal numbers and rooms of crew members, but last night it was hand delivered to the girls room but they are gonna be told it was in front of Dana's.Luckily we noticed it before they did. It would have scared them to death.Don't mention it to them, their security doesn't want them to know how bad it is, so they aren't telling them the whole story. Just let them mention it to you.""Whoa. I had NO idea," JC replied wondering if Kimber knew yet."Yah, I feel so bad for them." Lance said, thinking of Katy."What is gonna be done about it?" Joey asked concerned, mostly about Chelsea."There is gonna be increased security, but until more is known, not much else can be done.""Who would send them threatening notes and stuff," Justin wondered out loud. Trying to figure out how anyone could not like Brandi."Yah, who would want to do something like that?" Chris said a little irritated at the idea of someone trying to hurt Cheryl."Well, either an obsessed fan, or someone from one of their pasts, or someone jealous of their success and life," Bubba replied. "Whoa this is just to much." Justin gast."I hope they are taking it ok," Lance said."Yah, we all do," JC replied, speaking for everyone.


Over the next three months, the guys and girls kept in touch by a few phone calls and mostly e mails. Well, as much as possible. The girls couldn't be online much b/c the threats got worse and started on the net as well as the notes and eventually the phone, so security had to limit their access. They were all becoming really good friends and looking forward to their tour. But the threats were getting worse. Security wouldn't tell the girls everything, but they knew it was bad. They weren't allowed out of their hotel room to go to the soda machines without at least one guard keeping an eye on them, much less shopping or anything in public. They couldn't even go to their old houses when they had a concert in their home town. The families had to come to the hotels, where a better eye could be kept on them. All this was taking its toll. The girls were really scared.The guys could tell this from the letters they received from them. The guys were looking forward to the tour, not only to be able to see the girls again, but to be able to help look out for them. They hated to see the girls scared to find a note every time they opened the door, or got a e mail, or get a phone call that just hangs up.

~~~The tour begins in LA California they dub it "The Cause"~~~

The guys had their last concert of their tour in LA so they were already there. The girls flight got in late the night before. They are getting ready for the first time to see each other in three months.

"Get up guys, its six thirty!!!" Joey yells at everybody, a little to happily for 6:30 am, "Come on. We finally get to see the girls again. GET UP!!!""All right!!!!!, I'm up!!!!!, Just 5 more min Ma!!!, ARG!!" they all reply."Aren't you guys a little excited to be starting a new tour? It is for a good cause.""Ahh, knock it off, you just wanna spend 2 months with Chels," Justin stated."So.. your point? It's a bonus. And your not happy to spend 2 mo with Brandi?""Ok. All right. I gettin' up.""Should we do something nice for the girls? It has been 3 months," Lance asked."Truthfully, with everything that's goin on, I think just not leaving a nasty message somewhere is gonna make a better impression that anything," JC said."Good point." Lance replied, finding it hard to comprehend everything that had happened to the girls."You mean a rat is a bad idea?" Chris asked, a little disappointed."YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they all yelled."Fine all right, But I get the shower first!!!!!!" he said as he ran for the bathroom.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back in the girls room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

BUZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the alarm goes off. "ARG. I can't believe its time to get up already. It seems like we just got here," Kimberly said."We did. Our plane landed 5 hours age and it was a 2 hour drive to the hotel," Katy said."Oh yah" "Oh, come on ladies, we finally get to see the guys again today!! Come on,lets go!!! I get the shower first!!!" Brandi yelled as she sprang out of bed."Not if I can help it!!" Cheryl answered as she sprinted to beat her to the bathroom.

What willhappen when the guys and girls meet again? Will the stalker cause major problems on the tour? Will the stalker get to the girls? What is the stalker gonna do to the guys? Will there be romance on the tour?

Chapter 9