Against The Grain Archives

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Artist . Song . Album . Label

29 December 2001
For the final 2001 edition of "Against The Grain",
we reviewed some of the best music of the yearand heard several "reflection" songs.
22 December 2001
Christmas / Winter Solstice
8 December 2001
Tonight was my fifth anniversary as host of the Saturday edition of Against The Grain!
1 December 2001
A Tribute To
1943 ~ 2001
Artist . Song . Album . Label
24 November 2001
Thanks to Tom Banyai, host of Bluegrass Junction. Tom filled in for me so that I could see Bob Dylan and His Band, "best band in the land", at The Fleet Center in Boston tonight.
17 November 2001
10 November 2001
Tonight's show was dedicated to all the brave men and women who risk their lives so that America can continue to be "the land of the free". Thank you, and Happy Veteran's Day to you. We also celebrated Neil Young's 56th birthday [November 12], and we paid tribute to Ken Kesey, author of "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", and founder of The Merry Pranksters, who drove around America in the Further Bus with Neal Cassidy at the wheel. The Pranksters were in attendance at the legendary Acid Tests, where The Grateful Dead provided the soundtrack by performing live , very psychedelic sets (for several hours at a time). Kesey died this morning at the age of 66 after undergoing surgery for liver cancer.
3 November 2001
27 October 2001
The annual Halloween show is always one of my favorites to produce.
20 October 2001
13 October 2001
"Thank you" to everyone who phoned in a pledge of support tonight! Great night of fund raising.
6 October 2001
Because of my plan to use the new Bob Dylan song "Lonesome Day Blues" in my opening set, tonight's show turned into a four hour blues fest!
29 September 2001
22 September 2001
Thanks to Tom Banyai, host of Bluegrass Junction, I was able to take a much needed Saturday night off, and despite rumors of possible terrorism in Boston, I ventured into Cambridge to see the great Ray Davies do his Storytellers show at Harvard's Sanders Theatre. Absolutely brilliant! Ray was in fine form, and helped all to forget about the rest of the world for 2 hours. It was just what I needed to snap out of the funk I've been in since the horrible events of last week. Ray delighted us with stories of his childhood in North London, his family, friends, the formation of The Kinks and the events leading up to their first number one hit single, "You Really Got Me". Thank you Tom, and thank you Ray Davies.
15 September 2001
Tonight's show was a continuation of Thursday night's broadcast, featuring songs which reflect the mood following the senseless tragedy in our great nation on Tuesday. We also heard more music from Bob Dylan's new album, "Love And Theft", as well as new music from Nick Lowe's "The Convincer". Thank you all for the overwhelming response to this evening's music. God bless America.
8 September 2001
Quite a bit of new music tonight, plus a birthday salute to "The Dean of Nashville Songwriters", Harlan Howard, in honor of his 74th birthday.

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