to the
"Promoting General Aviation since 1965"
PO Box 13952
Grand Forks, ND 58208-3952
General Information
Who are we?
Nodak Flying Club is a non-profit volunteer organization established in 1965.
What is our purpose?
To promote general aviation, and provide aircraft and facilities for the
use of our members.
General Membership Meeting
monthly club meeting dates under reconstruction
NFC's First Airplane in 1965
Initial Membership Fee Only $85.00
Refundable Security Deposit of $100 (required before scheduling aircraft)
Social Membership $36.00/ yr
Membership is open to anyone! What are you waiting
Contact us for Information:
Download Your Application Today!
NFC Application Form
April 23, 2013 - EAA Chapter 380 Annual fly-in/drive breakfast with Young eagle
Flights. Grafton Airport, Grafton ND,8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Contact: Bill O'Keefe (218)779-5054
May 30-31 2013, UAS Action Summit, "The Furture Is Here: A Global Destination for the UAS Industry" Alerus Center Grand Forks, North Dakota July 29 - August 4,2013- EAA AIR VENTURE, OSHKOSH WI www.airventure.orgFargo Air museum, See Planes of the Plains legends (701) 293-8043 Plane Camp June 4 - August 13 2013 Call Museum for Info.
August 10, 2013: Fargo AirShow - Fargo, ND Gartes open 9:00 am Air Show 11:00 am
September 1, 2013: USA - Canada International Fly-In - Dunseith
International Peace Garden Airport Contact: Larry Taborsky (701) 328-9650
September 8, 2013 - Bismarck Masonic Fly-In, 7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. pnacake breafast, cool cars, sweet airplanes. Contact jon Simmers (701)223-4754
Click on North Dakota Aviation Council,EVENTS, for links to above events
Our Club Aircraft
(For Member Use Only)
1946 Cessna 140 modified with a nose gear.
Last known location of aircraft in Georgia.
Membership Information
Cool Links
NFC Operations Manual in HTML format
NFC Constitution in HTML format
North Dakota Pilots Association
Grand Forks Control Tower
Landings - General Aviation Links
avhome - General aviation stuff - Everything about flightsimulation
Avweb - Avition news
Aviation History
Instrument Repair