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O'Kay this is it my second trip one of my other friends went with me this time her name is Leah and she is in love with Joshua Jackson I myself love James even though I have to admit Josh is pretty cool and a hunk. You will get to see new sets, new looks of the cast and get to see Katie Holmes (Joey). I of course look alittle different since last time, but like you care how I look. I know, I know you just want to see more of them. Well get ready to have a good time and enjoy the music. Will probably be about five more pages of this do you think you can handle that? Enough of me yapping here they are.



The first picture is of Leah and I standing at a painting they have done outside the studio. The second one is of Leah and I with Dale. She is the lady that has made all my dreams come true. She is the one that made it possible for me to make the trips up there to Wilmington. Dale if you ever look at my site I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you have done for me. You are so nice and special to me. The third picture is of me and Frank he is 1st Assitant Director. He is totally cool he rides a Harley it is so neat. He always wears hawaiian shirts that are so colorful. He is fun to be around.

          BRENDA MY BUDDY                            LEAH & I ON ANDIE'S BED                            RIBBON'S ANDIE HAS WON

The first picture is of Brenda she is the one who showed us around and told us alot about everything. She is super nice and a wonderful lady. She gave Leah and I a Dawson's Creek hat that has Dawson's Creek on the front and 3rd season on the back. Mine is blue and Leah's is pink. I got Joshua, Katie, and Meredith to sign mine. When we left it felt like Brenda was part of my family. Second picture is of Leah and I on Andie's bed. I am holding Andie's stuffed dog. I am sure it will be seen on the show. The third picture is all the ribbons Andie has won while horseback riding. She loves horses and entering competions.

TROPHIES ANDIE HAS WON                            ANDIE'S BED                          ME AT ANDIE'S COMPUTER

The first picture is trophies Andie has won riding her horse. She is a very good horse rider. The second picture is of Andie's bed. Her room is really neat she has pictures of her when she was a baby real pictures of her. Meredith is such a sweet and sensitive person but so bubblie and out going. She is kind of like her character on the show. She loves to talk. The third picture is of me at her computer. I would love to have a computer that looks like that they are so neat. Her computer is green but you can get them in all kinds of colors, like purple, pink, blue etc...

          ME AT ANDIE'S DRESSER                                ANDIE & I                                   ANDIE & LEAH

The first picture is of me at Andie's dresser. She had notes posted on her mirror and one that said "Remember to break up with Pacey". I was like oh no she can't do that. But you will have to wait and see. Does she or doesn't she? The second one is of me and Andie she is so cute. Notice she has a new haircut? She has bangs this year where she didn't last year. The third picture is of Leah and Andie. I think this is a really good picture of them. O'kay are you ready for the next page now? Which will it be? Katie, Joshua, Mary Margaret, Mary Beth or Michelle? Well you want know unless you go to my next page.

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