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Chris's Profile

Full Name: Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick
Birthday: October 17, 1971
Fears: Heights
Nicknames: Lucky, Psycho, Puerto Rico
Hometown: Clarion, Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh
Fave colors: black and silver
Fave clothes: overalls
Height: 5'7"
Hobbies: spinning records, inline skating, surfing
Before 'N Sync: worked at Universal Studios with JC and Joey, started out in a musical called Hollywood HighTones
Fave word: dude
Describes himself as: crazy, outgoing, and wild
Secret: He was thrown out of a hotel in South Africa for skating down the hallway.
Music: anything from Michael Jackson to techno
Loves: Spiderman and Bruce Lee
Favorite all-time song: "Son of A Preacher Man"
Fan of: Mel Gibson and Mad Max

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