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I know I've taken to putting links to other pages on most of the new pages I've done, but these are different. These are my favorite pages and have little or nothing to do with one another or this website. I just think they're cool and I think you might too.

HTMLgoodies. If you want to learn how to do all this nifty web building stuff, this is the best place to start.

The Los Angeles Mental Relaxorium. A site owned an operated by a dear friend of mine. There is a lot of fun stuff to do on this site. My personal fav is the Angus MacFadyen page, but that's just me.

The Official Dave Matthews Band Website. This is so cool that is speaks for itself. For all you fans of the Frank Herbert novels. Isn't this the coolest domain name ever? And the best thing about it is.. all the fonts on this site are FREE to download. Have a ball!

Resexcellence. An extremely cool site, though perfectly useless unless you're on a Mac (A *real* computer) Never went online to shop? Here a good place to start, especially if you're buying presents for me. *nudge nudge wink wink*

{Home}{Portraits}{Friends and Family}

{The Second Year}{Tim and Stacy}{E-mail Me}

{Holidays}{Chicago}{Biker Babe}

{Contacts & Links}{The Gallery}