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1. Stop wearing your hair back KNOWING you don't have any edges!

2. Stretch jeans, parasuccos, etc. aren't for everyone...if you know you have too much butt, no butt or a flat butt, PLEASE put the pants back!!

3. If you're not planning on entertaining kids at parties, etc. the Ronald McDonald eyeshadow must go.. PLEASE!! too much is too much!!

4. If you insist on shaving your eyebrows and drawing new ones...PLEASE stop looking like somebody scared you, looking like you're surprised or wearing the mad face!!

5. If you must sport the ponytail look... PLEASE get as close to your hair texture and color as you can... not everyone has "Indian" in their family!!

6. PLEASE stick to your nail fill-in appointments. The acrylic will not jump on your nails!!

7. PLEASE stop thinking your "baby daddy" still belongs to you even after ya'll have broken up. Let it go!!

8. PLEASE look before you leap.. If your makeup looks like you are ready to be laid to rest... PLEASE take off a coat or three of foundation!!

10. BLACK and SILVER lipsticks are a no-no..don't try to rock it because it doesn't work regardless of who faked it and told you so!!

11. PLEASE stop your boots from leaning, walk straight...everyone is not bowlegged!!

12. If you still have baby fat, let the baby tees crunches and crunch as much as possible!!

13. PLEASE my big sistas, stop wearing capris unless you are a linebacker for the Redskins!

14. PLEASE stop walking up and down the street talking on your cellphones, even if you do have evenings free!!

15. PLEASE stop thinking that every car that honks, its a horn for're probably in their way!!

16. For the girls who've got too much booty to too much blubber, or BOTH...PLESAE..don't try to rock some hip huggers!It's just not workin!

17. If you're reading this and wearing a mad face...PLEASE get over it!

18. If you're laughing while reading this.. PLEASE keep laughing, it is good for the soul!

19. And most of all ladies, PLEASE let's stop hating one another, we're all beautiful in our own GOD given way!

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