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DeeMar Communications

Neca Stoller Interview:

author of Bound by Red Clay

Neca Stoller lives in Georgia, USA and is an international award winning poet which include Itoen OH-I, Ocha New Haiku Contest, English Division, runner up (1999);International Kusamakura Haiku Competition, Foreign Language Category, Nyuusen, Third Prize (1998); Palomar Showcase, Volume Nine, Honorable Mention (1998); and Haiku Society of America Renku Award, winner with writing partner Laura Young (1997).

Stoller lives in Georgia, USA with her family. She graduated from the University of Georgia with a BA degree in economics and helped draft her county's first planning ordinances.

DMC: How long have you been writing poetry?
NS:I began in 1993 when I moved to a rural area and took the time to look.

DMC: What/who inspired you to write (now or in the past)?
NS:William Faulkner

DMC: Who is your favorite poet?
NS:Theodore Roetke, and somewhat more currently Frank Stanford

DMC:What is your favorite poem?
NS:Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock- by T. S. Eliot

DMC: What piece of advice would you give to aspiring writers?
NS:Read a lot of everything and observe images closely so you can describe them in detail.

DMC:If you belong to any poetry clubs or groups, which ones?
NS:I belong to several online groups- Zeugma, Muse-W, St. Agatha's, Haven, Local Writer's Workshop.

DMC:Do you plan to publish more poetry books? If so, are there any in the works?
NS:I am finishing one now. The working title is "Family Matters".

DMC:What is the easiest part about writing poetry?
NS:Nothing. I find all parts of composing a poem to take a great deal of effort and be engulfing.

DMC:What is the hardest part about writing poetry?
NS:Getting the resolution, the end results, you are aiming for.

DMC:Add any comments or info about yourself.
NS:I seek to bring the words and ideas together in a manner to resound in the reader's mind.

DMC:Thank you Neca.

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