Published in Fayetteville NC
Beginning in 1816
Found at the North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh NC


30 Apr 1818, issue
1. Montgomery County NC Court of P & Q Sessions, Apr 1818. --by the last will and testament of William Green, deceased, Robert Green qualified as Executor.

30 Jul 1818, issue
2. Teachers wanted for teaching Latin and other languages at the Wadesborough Academy in Anson County NC. William Dismukes.

3. Anson County NC. James B. Fergusen and Daniel Phelan are appointed executors of the estate of Hugh McGuire, deceased, as per appointment by the last will and testament. On 11 Aug next, the remaining stock of goods will be sold at public auction in Wadesborough. 23 Jul 1818.

13 Jun 1818, issue
4. Richmond Co. NC June Quarter seesions. Margaret Gordon and John Gilchrest appointed Administrators of the estate of John Gordon, deceased.

4 Mar 1818, issue
6. Anson County NC, notice. The co-partnership of A. W. Brandon and Wm. B. McCorkle existing in Wadesborough NC is this day disolved. 1 Jan 1823.

13 Feb 1823, issue
10. Montgomery County NC Court of Equity Fall Term 1822. Alfred Randle vs. Parham Kirk and others. "James Hodges and wife Tempy are to appear at the nest Supperior Court at the Court house in Lawrenceville.

20 Feb 1823, issue
12. Wadesborough Female Academy, Anson County NC. The academy will recommence under the superentendance of Misses MAry Ann and Maria Spear. W. M. Dismukes, Pres. and W. F. Smith Secr. The male department is under the superintendance of Mr. G. W. Hathaway.

24 Apr 1823, issue
17. Anson County NC. Samuel Knox vs. John Rogers --original attachment, levied on land on Mill Creek bounded by Vincent Parsons. Seeking John Rogers who does not live within the state. William Dismukes, Clerk, 16 Apr 1823.

8 May 1823, issue 18. Anson County NC Court of P & Q Sessions, Mar 1823. --William Dismukes vs. john W. Dissmukes. --original attachment levied in hands of Robert Leopard, he summoned as garnishee. The defendant resides out of state.

25 Mar 1824, issue
38. Anson County NC Court of P & Q Sessions, Jan 1824. --Burrel Benton and others vs. Hugh Campbell. Petition for partition.

20 Jan 1825, issue
43. Lawrenceville, Montgomery County NC, 5 Jan 1825. Announcement of Letters of Administration on the estate of Andrew Wade, Esq. by Edward Legrand.

28 Jul 1825, issue
51. Anson County NC Court of P & Q Sessions, 1825. Hezakiah Hough vs. John T. Scott --original attachment levied on one dearbord wagon, harness and bedsted, as property of the defendant. W. Dismukes, Clk.

52. Anson County P & Q Sessions, Jul 1825. President of the State Bank of North Carolina vs. Boyd and Brame --original attachment states that Ingoe D. Cast was summoned as garneshee.

6 Oct 1825, issue
66. Notice. Three runnaway slaves named Luke, Sandy, and Billy fled as William Peacock moved from Richmond County NC to Montgomery Co. AL.

29 Nov 1826, issue
89. Richmond County NC Court of Equity. William Powell Adm. of Benjamin Powell and also of Elizabeth Powell vs. Thomas Steele, Exeecutor of Squire Arthur Robinson and others. Defendant Charles Robinson does not live in the state. E. Love, CME.

6 Dec 1826, issue
90. Court of P ad Q Sessions, Oct 1826. Samuel Bemmons vs. John Holly, --original attachment for 150 acres on the waters of Rays and Flat-Fork joining Archibald Laney and others. Defendant John Holly resides out of state.
17 May 1827, issue
110. Richmond County NC. Stephen Williams and John Steele, Executor of William Stringfellow, Deceased vs. Richard Stringfellow, Henry S. F., Lucinda Elkins, Mary Ann Williamson, William S. F., Richard C. S. F., Easter L. S. F., Solomon Jenkins, William B. Jenkins, MArtha Jenkins, Elizabeth Jenkins, Harriet Jenkins, Lydia PArsons, Ozbean Jones and Dicy, his wife.

21 Feb 1828, issue
120. Anson County NC P & Q Seesions, Jan 1828. The Executors of John Flournoy Vs. same. McCorkle and Dejarnett vs. Hugh Ross. Original Attachment leveid on 83 3/4 acres and defendents interest in three negroes. Hugh Ross is not an inhabitant of this state.

121. Anson County NC P & Q Sessions, Jan 1828. D. McNair vs. Thomas McDaniel. Original attachment levied on 250 acres & c. The defendant resides out of state.

28 May 1829, issue
134. Anson County NC P & Q Sessions, Apr 1829. William Taylor, Thomas Taylor, John Taylor, vs. John Pearson & wife, Ira Watkins & wife, Andrew McGill and Fanny his wife, James Grace & wife. Andrew McGill and wife Fanny reside out of state.

6 May 1830, issue
144. Anson County NC P & Q Sessions, Apr 1830. Mildred Colson, Adm. of Thomas Colson. Attachment mentions that the garnishment of Elijah Cason was filed. Michael Cason lives out of state.

145. Anson County NC P & Q Sessions, Apr 1830. James Thomas vs. Michael McKay, levied on 120 acres as property of the defendant. Michael McKay lives out of state.

146. Anson County NC P & Q Sessions, Apr 1830. Nancy Taylor vs. Heirs at Law of Wm. Taylor, deceased. Sanders Taylor, William Green and Mary his wife, Joseph Boggan and Sarah his wife, Laban and Edwin Carraway all reside out of state.

14 Aug 1832, issue
161. NOTICE. 900 acres of land for sale in Richmond County. J. Dumus. He plans to move west.

25 Dec 1832
171. William Allen vs. John B. Billingsly. John B. Billingsly does not live within the state.

12 Nov 1833, issue
200. NOTICE. James Moss, John Moss -for himself and as gaurdian of Archibald Moss infant under 21, Alfred Randle -guardian of Franklin, Sarah Ann, Robert, Whitson, Eliza, and Jane Moss infants under 21, Bushrod Lilly and wife Hannah -formerly Hannah Moss all against Willis Williams and wife Mary who reside out of state.

2 Jun 1835, issue
201. Montgomery County NC P & Q Sessions, 1835. Priscilla Hancock vs. Ethelred Clemmons and wife Betsy, Spencer New and wife Sally, Wily Harris amd wife Nancy, John Andrews and wife Patsey, Wiley Scarborough and wife Lucy, Kenneth Hearne and wife Tabitha, Wilson Scarborough and wife Piety, Elisha, Frances and Eli Jancock, Heirs at law of John Hancock Deceased. All out of state.

3 Dec 1835, issue
202. Montgomery County NC P & Q Sessions, Daniel Freeman vs. Richmond Billingsly. Original attachment levied on defendants interest in a tract of land in which Christian Billingsly now lives.

28 Apr 1836, issue
203. Anson Co. NC, Notice. Joseph Shannon and Eliza Shannon, his wife, by their next friend vs. Thomas D. Parke [William Dismukes and Benjamin H. Rutland, John D. Moore, and Nancy his wife all residing out of state].

16 Jun 1836, issue
204. Notice: Anson County NC. Absolom Myers, Exr., vs. William Dismukes, Norfleet D. Boggan. Summoned as Garnishee. William Dismukes lives out of state.

4 Sep 1836, issue
205. Anson County NC P & Q Sessions, Jul 1836. Petition of partition of Bryant Harrel & Abner Harrel vs. John Rushing and Mary his wife. John Harrel &c lives beyond the state.

16 Aug 1837, issue
206. Anson County NC Superior Court, Sring 1837. Thomas Hubbard and wife Nancsy vs. Moses Moore and wife Elizabeth and others. That Lewis Melton & wife Rebecca, Harmon Adams and wife Rachel, Lewis Graves and wife Miriam, Phillip May and wife Sussanna, Jonathan May and wife Catherine, Willie Mangrum and Thomas Lewis defendants. Petition of Real Estate.

30 Aug 1837, issue
207. Richmond County, Notice. Alamander Hunst vs. Wm. Gauntlet. Lefied on William Gauntlet's interest in all the lands of his deceased father. Known as the Ned Gauntlet mill tract adjoing lands of Duncan McNeil &c and lying on Joe's Creek.

24 Jan 1838, issue
208. Anson County NC, Superior Court, Fall 1837. Henry Stricklin & co. vs. Robert C. Hattaway, for land and one wagon. Robert C. Hattaway lives out of state.

9 May 1838, issue
209. Anson County NC, P & Q Sessions, Apr Term 1838. Rhoda Sinclair vs. Elam Williams and Nancy his wife, Wm. McNair & Sarah his wife, and Calvin R. Sinclair. Petition of Dower, Wm McNeil and Calvin live beyond the state.

20 Jun 1838, issue
210. Anson County NC Equity Court, Spring 1838. Bill of Injunction. Reubin Henry vs. Anthony Williams and John Taylor. John Taylor resides out of state.

21 Nov 1838, issue
211. Anson County NC Equity, Fall 1838. Stephen H. Gaddy and wife Mary, John G. Allen and wife Nancy, Young H. Allen and c. vs. Wm Caldwell & wife Jane & Ruth Huie. Petition for sale of real estate.

212. Anson County NC, Fall 1838. Jeremiah Henry vs. Joseph A. Liles and Elijah Liles.


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