This petition refers to a Bill passed by the General Assembly in Dec 1799.
To the Honorable the General Assembly of N--- -rolina now siting at Raleigh, the petion--- Inhabitants of Anson County humbly Shew--- that your petitioners for a long time has been--- a great disadvantage of going to General Musters Elections by reasons of the Court house being Six or- miles from the center many of us having upwards Thirty miles from said Court house we did--- for a long time wish for a separate muster & Electi--- and some time before the last general assembl--- Did give Publish notice as the law directs and sign--- Petition for that purpose and agreeable to our the General Assembly did pass a law and in a--- it much more Convenient for all the upper--- Said County but now we are informed that a few designing men for some sinister view without any just cause are about to petition your honorable body to Repeal said act--- your petitioners pray that the said act for Separate Muster & Election may Continue to the great Satisfaction of the upperend of the said County, and your peptitioners as in duty bound will ever pray & C near three hundred
Richard Leg captain Jacob Little
Daniel Coburn Capt Edward Williams Capt
John Culpepper Joshua Williams
John Pressley Anthony Lee
Nathan Morris Young Stokes
Jonathan Yarborough gorge [his (G) mark] Kiker
James Yarborough Ambrose Yarborough
George Blair Britton Yarborough
William Smith Solomon Yarbrough
Julious Allen Hum. Yarbrough Senr.
garner? high Humphry Yarbrough
John Robins Wyatt Nance
Jacob Austin Archiball (X) Welks
John Lee Juiner Drury Auston
Thomas (X) Alsten Jesse Brooks
James Sparks Ben Sims
Amon Yarboraugh henry Ross
Joel White henry Hinson
William Wilthur? Joshua hinson
peter manis
John Maness Edmond Thomas
George Carpenter BeC? thomond? Crosel?
Michael Austin Hugh Ross
Allen Boggett Joackim Hutson
Uzziel Baggett Ebenezer Ross
William Barns John Cobb
Thomas (T?)oloson Solamon Mullis
William Curley William Maness
Ezekiel morton Gabriel Harden
Hen.? Taylor Elijah Coburn
Francis Coburn Benjamin (X) Thomas
Joshua Hudson John Williams
Stephen Lacy Richard Manis
Wm. Monteith Edward Brumloe
Henry Hall John Holland
D. Cuthbertson --? Archb? Taylor
John Mask Charles Griffin
Robert Cook Nathan Hinson
Josiah Mokes Allen Trull
William Pearce Jacob Girly
Richard Lee Isom Girley
thomas Hood John Girley Sess? Watson Saml Smith ---ing yeomons Griffin Nash David Arnett John Curley Lee yarbrough Benjamin Smith Leonard Musselwhite John Austin William Tye John Hill Richard Alston Isaac Hill (Hall?) Annanis Thomas James Austin Willis Gurley William Broadaway William Austin William Pankon Ezekiel Thomas David Hall Miles Smith Alexander Phillips John McClendon Jacob Pinyon Wm Lee William McKintyare? Richard Smith Peter Winfield Lacy? Allen Samuel Ramesy David Helms Darling Allen
William Henson Captin Headley Coburn Leuitininent John emialis? insign John Presly Elijah Henson Jacob Green John William Thomas Joseph Barnes James Megehee allen taylor Thomas megehee Mountssei price James Mcgehee William Brumlou Samuel Burns Elijah Preslar James Burns Lewis Brumlou John Hooks Moses Wingon? William Phillips William Lehon Hennearzy Sides Joseph Over kash Moses Sides James Mullis James Ross Jacob Green Benjamin Megehee Bryan Falla William Polk Moses tanhein? John megehee James Gurley Thomas Polk William Pool Sharod Elles John Frederick James English John Uriah? Elli? Slather Stord? James Coberson James Vinson Stephen Gilbert Samuel Duffy William Morton
Robert Lee Senr. Aaron Dunn Robert Lee Jun. Richd Randle John Lee Boothe (X) Robertson Thomas [his (T) mark] Preslar Mathew Turner Jerimiah Smith Jun Isaac Little Charles Thompson Isaac ?? Lewis Atkins Thomas Stone Labon griam Dennis Henly Jacob Stricklin Benja Boykin Reuban hildreth David Grissom Williamson L?? Jacob Chester Uriah Tison William Boykin Benny Luten John Dees? John Beverly Samuel Carter Thomas Lacy John Wright Sen? John White Wm Johnson John Lisenby John Fanagaine John Cason Thomas Lewis Jerimiah Misser Joseph White Jun. Job Davis James Farnier James Grissom William Moses Cay--? Richd Stone Osborn A. Barber Jesse J. McHenre? Boyan? McClendon Barnabay --octes? John D---s Elias Preslar
Benjamin Parremmore Capt William Tison Wm Briley Benkamin Watts Rolen Williams James (+) Lee Dennas (x) Mcclendon Ambrose Yarbrough John Mackhenry William Seagraves John Smith Archibald Smtih David White Brahum Barber Jesse tison Wm Segraves Senr. Isom Saint John Reins Benja Smith Jeptha Morris Dennis Ingram? Geo Phillps Moses (X) Ward John Thomes Wm Little Thos Adkinson ?? Denton Thomas High abraham Briley Jery Bettle Archibald Ezell Davis Yarbrough Jerry Smith Stark Ramsey Lewis Davis Miles Smith William Travis Robertson Pistole Drury Smith Burrel Seagraves Charles Ferrel Elijah Pope Mathew Ingram James Harrel Edward Lacy William (X) Exum Thomas Hemby Paul Allen Richard Allen Paton Lunsford? Isha--Ingram?