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Adam Lee Rosol's
Thirtieth Month
July 13 - August 12 2001

Adam became 2 1/2 this month, and for a "half birthday" gift (OK, it was an impulse buy at BJ's wholesale club, but it sounds better as a gift), we got him a very unique toy, the "Adam Car". You'll have to look at the pictures to understand exactly what it is, and a video would be a great help.

Other than going for a ride in the Adam car every day possible, not too much happened this month. We had a few friends visit, and we took Adam to Jeepers, which is a kids play center at Concord Mills mall.

Here's some pictures of him during his 30th month


" Thanks for letting me into your pool, Kenneth!" A neighbor a few doors away has three children, including a 5 year old girl (Halley) that Adam adores, and a 2 year old just a few months younger than Adam. Here, Adam and the 2 year old, Kenneth, are playing in Kenneth's kiddie pool to help beat the August heat.

Hell on wheels

" I'm born to be wild" At a yard sale in our subdivision, we found Adam this big wheel for $2. Ok, it's not the most manly big wheel ever made, and he's still a little too small to pedal it, but $2 is $2.

Adam Car

" Adam Car! Adam Car!" This is the Adam car I mentioned earlier. It's made by Power Wheels, it's called the "Wild Thing", and it has two handles that control the power to the wheels. It goes a max of 4 mph, which is a swift walk. It can go forward, backward, or spin in place. Here, about 15 seconds after we finished building it, Adam jumps in to give it a try.

Wild thing

" Wild thing, you make my heart sing! " We had bought this to use in our back yard, but the dang thing sits a little too low to the ground, so it can only be driven in the streets. We're lucky to have a fairly quiet subdivision, with lots of parents, and we're never more than 10 feet or so from him, but I still would be happier if it ran in the grass.


" Ok, I'm ready for NASCAR now. I got this thing down pat" Believe it or not, in about 4 hours he had this thing mastered. He could turn it, drive it forwards, spin in circles, and go where he wanted to. We taught him to turn and drive into the grass when a car comes, and he's good at doing that. If you've never taught a two year old how to drive, I don't really recommend it, but he's doing great now. The only problem is he wants to go out of our plan and drive somewhere new!

happy boy

" This is the greatest toy ever!" Here's a look at the joy on Adam's face when he's driving his "Adam Car". He really loves this thing.


" Aidan, you can share my couch, but stay on your side." Our neighbors Dave and Candee brought their little boy Aidan (about a year younger than Adam) for a visit. Here, the boys are sharing a couch.


" Bartender, another round here!" Adam and Aidan are having a drink on the couch. Adam has unfolded it to a little bed.

Dave is SO silly

" Dave is SO silly!" Adam and Dave are playing on the floor.


" I'm a happy ham!" Adam is smiling for the camera

power swing

" A power swing! Nice, but I think it's more fun with daddy pushing me. Still, what will they think up next? " This is Jeepers, a for profit kids play place at a local mall. Adam was on a toddler sized "power swing".


" Mommy, if the tea cup is this big, I don't want to get near the tea pot! " Another picture at Jeepers, here Adam and mommy are taking a ride on the tea cups.


" Casey Jones you better watch your speed!" Adam got to drive the train at Jeepers. He really likes trains.

Click here to see photos from his 31st month of life