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Hazel's Page

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Hazel is a Brown-Headed Poicephalus (Poicephalus cryptoxanthus), a member of the same family of small parrots as the Senegals, Meyer's, Red Bellies, and Capes, among others. The Brown-heads are about 8-9 inches long with a short, squarish tail. These birds originated in the woodlands of Eastern Africa, and are currently endangered in the wild. These parrots are relatively quiet and are known for being silly acrobats. Brown-heads are known for being more calm and stable than some of the other members of the species. Brown heads are also called the Emerald Parrot, because of the fact that their feathers are an irridecent green.

Hazel came to me as a gift from the Sauls, who felt bad because Beeker got sick, even though it happened after I'd had her for a little while. Hazel was about 3 months old when I got her. She is very affectionate, she loves to be petted and give me kisses. She loves to cuddle, and she lies on her back in my hands, making happy chirpy sounds while I pet her. She will occasionally preen Beeker's head, but sometimes gets a bit carried away and winds up with a beakful of feathers! She will imitate the cockatiels' movements and sometimes their sounds, and she will also imitate me- if I blink at her, she blinks back, if I open my mouth, she opens hers, etc. Hazel is very playful, and it's entertaining to watch her play with her toys, hanging upside-down off of them. She has a little sleepy hut, and she is so cute when she pokes her head out to see what's going on. She is so much fun, and a real sweetheart!
