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The Goddess Herself.

Persephone, aka Kestryl, Jaelissa, and Patty. Oh the many hats we wear....


And what have I been up to lately, you ask?

Well, I've been here in Utah for 2 years now. I'm afraid I don't get out much of late - had a bit of a family addition recently :o) Our little Athena is just cute as a button, but she sure keeps me busy. Check out the family website, and see for your self.

When I'm not trapped here at home, though, I like to get out and do what women do best - SHOP. Well, and eat. Eat and shop, even. At Trolley Square in lovely downtown Salt Lake City. I can't wait for the Trax system to make the East West connection, so that I can ride the train to Trolley Square. Driving isn't as bad as other places I've been over the last 10 years, but rush hour still sucks the mighty one, if you know what I mean.


I've been having some weird, tripped out dreams, lately. The kind where you're hanging out with people you haven't seen, much less thought about, in oh, 10 to 15 years - that kind. Doing weird ass things, too, boy howdy. Perhaps I will start relating some of my weirdo dreams to you folks, in the near future. You can tell me if I'm losing my marbles, or what.

As if there were any question.


If you find me and my slightly twisted sense of humor to your liking, please feel free to contact me at the email address below. I love meeting new people, and chatting about any and all topics. Let me know what you think of my site, won't you?

Email: Persephone



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And now that you've seen my room, back to the Closet with you...