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This is where The NewsPro will go...................................................
Subject- Back To Updating
Date- 5-30-03
Author- Vash

I've been preparing for a tournament, 5th place is ok. That's mainly why theirs been no updates from me. We'll we got a host thanks to Aerial Gaming. So in a few days Yu-Gi-Oh! Nation will be off angelfire, also we are looking for affiliates!!!

Subject- Great News!
Date- 5-28-03
Author- Marik

Hey its me again lol. Well I just had to tell you that I got all of the Millennium Items up! So please go check em out. Also if anyone has a pic of the Millennium Scale send it to me or Vash so we can get it up! Also don't forget to vote for us in the Anime100 and the Yu-Gi-Oh Top 50!

Subject- Good News and Bad News!
Date- 5-28-03
Author- Marik

Hey everyone. Well the good news is I finished all of the God Card bios, and I'm starting on Millennium Items. Its gonna be great I'll have all of the pics of each Item. The bad thing is as you all know this is a angelfire account and we can only go so far. And we really really need a good host so if you host sites please email me or Vash about it we really need one. Well I'm gonna go start cyaz!

Subject- I'm Back!
Date- 5-27-03
Author- Marik

Hey I got a new avatar! Its been a while since I updated so I desided to make it up to all of you and I made the Egyptian God Card page. I only have Slither up now, but I'll soon have them all up. Well don't forget to Vote for us in the Anime100 and Yu-Gi-Oh Top 50!

Subject- Music Lyrics & New Avatar
Date- 5-25-03
Author- Vash

I hope everyone likes my new avatar of Yami, many saw version 2. That was just a preview of tommorow, except the banner. Also if u haven't already seen Music Lyrics is up so go visit, and vote for us in Anime 100 and Yu-Gi-Oh! Top 50.

Subject- 2 Pages Done
Date- 5-24-03
Author- Vash

This Vash again, just saying that The Movie, and Character page has been finished. Don't Forget To Vote For Us In Anime 100!!!

Subject- Everything is Alright!
Date- 5-24-03
Author- Marik

Hey I'm Marik the Co-Webmaster here at Yugioh Nation! I just got done making the awesome new splash that is up. Also we joined a new topsite the Anime100. As for the links to all the pages most of the Info and Card Game links will be up by Monday. And if anyone is interested in joining our staff please email Vash about it.

Subject- Grand Opening
Date- 5-24-03
Author- Vash

Welcome to Yugioh Nation the newest site on the net, noting done yet we know we'll be working all this week to get the site up, so just wait and enjoy what content we have.