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This game is another one by Chromite Software. It is also another Mac game I have not tried, so the information below is the best i can offer for the time being.

The Story...

For three days now the ship had been fighting a losing battle against a storm so ferocious three crewmen had already been lost. Just then a seaman runs up from the decks below shouting, "Captain, we're taking on water!". You mutter a curse and peer into the hold. Water is gushing through at an alarming rate despite the sailor's efforts to bail it out. Just then the lookout screams, "ISLAND OFF THE STARBOARD BOW!". You look up and through the howling rain you can just make out the dim outline of an island. This may be the miracle you were looking for. You set the stricken vessel on a collision course for the island hoping to beach the ship before it sinks.

Ocean Bound finds yourself and your crew shipwrecked on an uncharted island with limited supplies. Build houses, storage sheds and shipyards while your crew harvests crops and chops wood to build your new ship. Wild animals, hostile natives, and starvation are just a few of the challenges in Ocean Bound.

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