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Henry Robb’s Today

The doors closed in 1983 for the last time and the yard lay as it was through the rest of the eighties. By the beginning of the nineties plans were afoot to redevelop the run down dock area.

The first development was the building of the new Scottish Office. (pictured below)
On the other side of the Scottish Office the old east dock was filled and the Highland Queen bonds were converted into shops and restaurants, then in 1997 the decommissioned Royal Yacht Britannia was given a permanent home opposite the crumbling Robb yard.

With Britannia now at Leith plans were being drawn up for the old yard and by the end of 2000 the yard was levelled in preperation for a new shopping/cinema complex – The Ocean Terminal.By the end of 2000 all that was left of the yard was an office block (pictured at top of the page)
ABOVE: Robb's Quay 1976 - ship yard (by Paul Strathdee)
ABOVE: Robb's Quay 2002 - 26yrs later the view has changed
ABOVE: 1994 (by Terry McGuire)
ABOVE: 2002

With the opening of the new shopping terminal Britannia was now moved to be opposite it, where the old Robb slipways would have been. Further redevelopment continues in the docks, a new hotel has been built near the North Junction st entrance and more flats and offices are being built opposite it.

Significant redevelopment has taken place around the Newhaven/ Western breakwater area - with more flats, a hotel and a sports club.Perhaps the most ambitious of all is about to start in the summer of 2002 with a huge housing complex being built along the whole length of the Western Breakwater. Penthouse flats over looking the docks are expected to be sold for around £350,000 !!
ABOVE: The Ocean Terminal Shopping Complex

If these details are not correct or you have more information please e-mail me