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Click for the Resume / Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Bob Benchoff.

For the main transcripts of Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.

For a sample of Degrees earned by Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.

Dr. Bob Benchoff, CJ: Certifications, Honors, and Awards sample:

This is a sample of the multitude of documents Dr. Bob Benchoff has, and it is a major problem for government, as other people too have multitudes of documents, along with important information not recorded. For instance in 5th grade Bob was rated the worst school student in throwing a mush-ball while rated the best student in running. Such info is important in business and government, such as not sending Bob to toss hand-grenades, rather using Bob to carry hand-grenades to the best tosser.

More importantly is the better usage of values. Not just that Bob can run in front of the President to shield the President from a bullet, rather that Bob might run to the potential assassin to dissuade them, and rather that Bob might run to the President to convince them to not to become a target through bad plans. There are plans, and then there is the best plan, having the best trend, and Bob is the expert in that field, according to many factors; from revealing systemic problems, to rather properly leading, the quality management field is not new, but in US government (and globally) is 70 years behind the times (reference his October 24, 2007 Presidential legal letter covering the Corpus Juris Secundum problem due to the lack of his proper standard at least to meet the minimum required by law).

In grade school Bob started receiving "Meritorious Award" documents from government and helped coach a high school senior that made the state finals in track, and then Bob earned his own state trophy [in a related field]. Then Bob taught junior high through adult students, and then ran his own large state institution. The lack of the proper standard thwarts vital information, such as tied to tossing hand-grenades, and such as tied to higher than the highest awards. For instance Bob earned straight "A"s in gym (despite the tossing concern), but those "A"s don't begin to describe the raising the team(s) to victory(victories), much less the higher realms. For instance Bob was one of a handful of students that initiated a US program for rugby, which at the time was essentially a foreign sport (and the US team was immediately outstanding). To properly share the ability to win, that is, to earn per se, is an excellent credential often overlooked.

Not having one properly prioritized comprehensive Quality System in honor of the Lord as required by law, is the biggest problem facing the US and civilization today. Correction and improvement is easy, for the Lord, and therefore for mutual benefit, according to Dr. Bob Benchoff, CJ.

People, businesses, governments, and other entities are daily faced with repeating a vast amount of data. In that overhead clutter is wasted time, energy, and resources, along with resistance to proper improvement. For instance Dr. Bob Benchoff has invented great inventions from medical healthcare muscle isolation, to better federal nuclear bomb control for top secret Los Alamos work, and the US Mint has expressed great interest in his secret P.A.I.U.S. invention. Many people make discoveries, innovations, and inventions, but there is no proper comprehensive method of dealing with such. The Patent Office struggles with what it has, and that is a hardly significant portion of the flood of new abilities increasingly available: but there's just proper way of handling it.

A business or the DOD won't phone people daily to ask if they've invented anything that could change the tide of their interests. The White House doesn't phone every inventor, in order to gain a better edge over problem concerns, although the White House has phoned Dr. Bob Benchoff similarly.

The proper comprehensive standard would attach pre-formatted values to inventions and other matters, to quantify qualities to solve virtually all that we can solve reasonably as within pertinent time frames. Just as Jeffersonian theory and TV censorship solved certain problems temporarily, so too with Dr. Bob Benchoff's unique expertise in leading this properly comprehensive endeavor, we can improve by leaps and bounds, even far better than before: it's the law. And properly done, it is also of the Lord, hence Biblical: providing liberty, rather than oppression, properly rewarding rather than condemning as condemnation is already handled by law and the courts. Yet government is far more than about courts. Courts are only a minor part, as the whole of people spend most of their time not in courts and prison.

A typical pattern as evidenced below, is that each business compiles a vast array of documents, repeating what others before have done, though within their own business format: in other words, creating mountains of red tape, as such becomes the standard for the industry and the economy. Similarly animals used to make paths, and people followed those paths, and those winding paths became roads. We can do better.

With working multiple jobs simultaneously, it is as multiplying resume details times, in this case, perhaps a dozen. And then multiplying again far more, as each various project requires. Nuclear plants have each had a truckload of documents per day, roughly speaking. And it is not just repetition for each of these, it is also for each entity involved, for instance Dr. Bob Benchoff is Level III in UT, RT, MT, VT, PT, Basic, and Vision, (6 Methods + Acuity = 7) so it is job specific information in each case reformatted and copied and then so issued, times seven, and these are just some of the more in demand items.

Above items are specific to Ultrasonic Testing, UT, but don't even include important items such as shown below, such as Badge #1 involving Shear UT, and such as the AWS Card tied to UT and recognized as law (Dr. Bob Benchoff scored 100% on AWS exams on "NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTS" which includes UT, and more importantly Dr. Bob Benchoff is expert in leading the doing of likewise for others: 100% perfecting, something all should be doing). Legal nondestructive testing reasonably as pertinent, does not interfere with people, equipment, nor similar, so it is tied to eavesdropping and spying though GodMath and VGC Agency (both provided under Bob's leadership) distinguishes the legal, credible, accountable, and similar standard concerns. Below are UT related matters such as RT matters, including relatively newer RT matters such as Nuclear Density related, and Radon per federal educating, that should be part of RT but typically are not, because there is no proper comprehensive standard.

Ask an accountant what UT is, and they might not know; ask a government administrator, and they too might not know, and might not know where to find the proper answer, even though the accountant might also attach a value to UT, and even though the administrator might be over a nuclear emergency project.

People shouldn't have to guess at answers when many experts know the right answers. People facing emergencies should have solutions available, with options clearly and properly prioritized, even so that if necessary a non-expert can reasonably solve the emergency.

Similar to Dr. Bob Benchoff's unique VGC Foundation Agency Standard, is the following, only comprehensive, and properly (meaning at least per law as a minimum) standard, and guide; of copyrighted government scientific reference material, hence legally according to government.

The above is shown correctly, although in the Library of Congress, they mispelled it. Even with all the repetition, and with meeting of all the laws, civilization misses the point, lacking the proper standard, already proven repeatedly.

The uniquely proper standard reference guide leading expert Dr. Bob Benchoff has proffered to Officials in specific after specific repeatedly further proving the need for the proper comprehensive qualtiy standard to reduce waste (even as the Legislative Branch Officials often don't even read their own legislation), and to the White House can solve key concerns not covered by law.

Such key concerns not covered by law, are covered by Quality Assurance, QA, systems, though such QA systems already in existence would benefit in greater part from better standardization: the properly prioritized standard. Such a key concern is for instance, whether a person, business, or other entity does not merely obey the contract and get done, yet rather if they do a good job, even beyond expectations. Such blessings should be rewarded, at least with a great proper comprehensive standard high rating. Government should know whether there is a one time contractor cost, or if there is a history of a particular contractor making mistakes. There are already vendor ratings, yet per law, it needs be comprehensive, and then it can be properly prioritized.

Excellent quality is evidenced above.

There is more to quality than a wall full of technical expertise certs and membership certificates (pertinent to his Tribilat invention, shown above is a wall of Dr. Bob Benchoff's Office decades ago), yet it's a good start.