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Melissa Cowl is a Certified Doula and a Doula Trainer with Doulas of North America and a mentor with Birthing From Within. Melissa is a Co-ordinator for Simcoe Birth Services - a non-profit Doula group in Simcoe County.
Melissa has been teaching prenatal education for six years. As the tenth (there are only eleven) Doula Trainer in Canada, Melissa works with women from all over Ontario teaching Doula skills and encouraging the growth of the Doula movement. She also is presently the only Canadian member of the DONA Certification Committee. Melissa has recently attained her Level II Reiki and intends to become a
Reiki Master this year. Melissa brings a wealth of personal experience combined with a professional background of childbirth related training to Birth And BeYond. Classes taught by Melissa are filled with warmth, humour and an abundance of information for parents in their childbearing years.

Along side of her husband Chris, Melissa enjoys her family life with their six home-educated children on their farm in Central Ontario.

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Yvonne McKenzie is a Birth Doula, and a Childbirth Educator in Barrie, leading non-traditional childbirth classes. She believes that the miracle of birth is a natural process and educating women and their partners is the key to decreasing fear, giving them the confidence to make informed choices about their birth.
Yvonne and her husband Wayne have eight beautiful children. She has experienced birth with doctors in hospital and at home with midwives.
Continuing with courses and workshops keep her knowledge and skills up to date.
Yvonne is dedicated to making a difference in the way women relate to childbirth.

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Gail Connelly is a mother of three beautiful children and has been a private home daycare provider for fifteen years.  Her love for children and passion for supporting the needs of birthing women and their partners, has inspired her to become a Doula.

Gail is currently working towards her certification through DONA and has taken workshops and courses in Cesarean births, VBAC's, Childbirth Education and is taking a Breastfeeding course through Humber College .

She also, teaches Childbirth Education privately and is experienced in belly casting.


Gail believes that every woman deserves the opportunity to have the support and experience of a Doula, nurturing and empowering her and her partner, through labour and helping them achieve the birth of their choice.


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