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Airstreem Games

If you are looking for a new exciting way to play paintball you have come to the right place. Here you will find games ranging from your traditional capture the flag to games that airstreem made up.


You start out with only two people. You stand around 25 yards away, or even closer, and then, there is only one person with a gun. There are a few rules to this game so it doesnt get to hard, and you can actaully win in the game.

Rule 1 - Only one person has a gun, that is all he needs, he gun MUST be turned down to its lowest power.
Rule 2 - All the other person needs is a good non-fog mask. He can also wear a cup if he chooses.

Now, you make a point about the middle of the distance away from each other, and now, the game starts.
The person with the gun shoots at the other person,he shoots once and cant shoot again untill the previous paint ball hits something, he dos this as the man without the gun trys to run up to the middle point. He is to do so without getting hit. If the runner gets hits at least 3 times, the game is over, and you have to restart.
The game is over when the man gets hit three times, or the runner gets to the middle point.
That is basically all you need to know about the game. The game is fun, and quite easy, you should even try it if you play paintball. Just use a mask!


The rules to this game are quite simple. Two people get guns and masks and stand about 5 - 10 yards away from each other. The object of the game is to shoot rapidly at the other person.
The only way to lose is to fall down. If you are tuff enough to stand through getting hit many times this is the game for you. However if you get hurt or just can't go on fall down and surrender to the other person. once a person falls shooting must stop.

Capture The Flag

This game is the most common game. The objective is to get the opponent's flag and return it to your flag station before the opponent captures your flag and takes it back to their flag station.

The Mercenary Game

This game is the same as capture the flag, but on the field is a third team of mercenaries attacking both sides. They cannot capture any flags and cannot win. They are just an obstacle the other teams must get past.

Blister Ball / Center Flag

In this game, both teams are after one flag which is in the middle of the field. The objective is to get the flag and carry it to your opponent's flag station.

Attack and Defend

This game has a larger group that attempts to overrun a smaller group's defensive position. The smaller group defends a place of good cover.

President's Game

A small squad of secret service agents will try to get one person (the President) from one point to another point, while the other teams only objective is to assassinate the President. The pesident dose not have a gun.


This game is played on a small field with limited cover. It is a quick in your face game. It can be played with a flag or played by total elimination.


In this game each team has one, or more than one person's acting as a Medic. A Medic's job is to touch an eliminated player to bring that player back into the game.


The most painful of all paintball games ever! In this game no player is eliminated until they call themselves eliminated. No matter how many times they have been shot!

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