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Safety First for Oxford Street, Nantgarw



Online News


Adrian Hobson






Plaid Cymru.....................Working for Oxford Street and Rhyd yr helyg........................

Oxford Street should soon benefit from a major investment in road safety thanks to Plaid Cymru.

A new scheme will extend from inside the Industrial Estate, past the entrance to Parc Nantgarw and across to the school. It will include new signage, road markings and build-outs all of which are designed to improve road safety and reduce vehicle speeds.

Residents parking will be on the "houses side" as well as the existing pull-in on the "allotment side". Parking will be more convenient and safer.

Councillor Adrian Hobson has called for full consultation with residents in the form of an exhibition at Oxford Hall.

Please make every effort to participate in the consultation process. We want your views and your ideas so that Adrian can improve the scheme.

Councillor Adrian Hobson is now a member of the Governing Body of Nantgarw Infants and has asked for the Governors to be included in the consultation process.





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   Adrian Hobson

" It's been hard work getting a comprehensive road safety scheme for Oxford Street.

It wouldn't have been possible without Plaid Cymru's improved financial management of the Council which has ensured there is money available for safety improvements of this kind. "